Hive Philippines Street Photography #536 - by Allmonitors

#536 - Monochrome shots for today.

Happy Friday evening fellow Hivers. Finally my two day of rest has arrived and I can finally go out for a quick walk early tomorrow and nap the whole afternoon. We may go to the bus station too to reserve our bus trip this coming December 28 to the city of pines where we will spend our New Year.

Now for our photos in monochrome we got here a shot which I took when I was on an overpass and these are the people below. They are all lining up for a jeepney ride and some are also walking towards and from the overpass where I am at.


We got here another shot of the people coming up the overpass. We got an elderly man and a woman behind. There's another woman whose hands are tied to someone's hand, the boyfriend definitely, which was not included in the frame.

At the park, a tall young girl roams around alone while there is also a young mother on the left with the baby carrier or stroller. The temperature was cold that's why they are all wearing garments with sleeves and jackets.

Two young kids perhaps in highschool are roaming the park too just about the long straight path beside the main corridor of the park. This path is the easiest way to get through the park without getting into the congested area. But sometimes this lane also gets packed by tourists and visitors like us.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex