#SublimeSunday - Endings, Beginnings and Milestones!

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Sundays are a strange kind of special for me because it marks the end of a business week while simultaneously warning of the start of the next. Mondays are not so tough now that I kicked that 9-5 indenture for the smaller city and entrepreneurship. Still, I hang on to that last bit of weekend and make sure I don't put too much time/thought into business. I just HAVE to shut off, or at least turn the volume down sometime.

Last week's adventures have definitely set up a crazy and exciting week to come, but this is the day we should be reflecting on right where we are, relaxing with a beer, and living in the moment. Doesn't hurt to check the progress on milestones while we are at it.


The Season


It is cool, damp and rather windy in this neck of the woods so it will be a day of hibernation. The timing is not too bad as I spent the last week cutting, storing, raking, disassembling and preparing the property for winter. Had I not, it would be a bit of a trudge today. Having trained Jiu Jitsu yesterday and again tomorrow, today can be a day or rest and recovery, not matter how much being a sloth would grind on my nerves.

Drink it in.


The Hive!


I am checking out my dashboard at https://hivetasks.com/ and noticing a little log jam of milestones occurring in close proximity.

With a little luck, the years I have spent discovering blockchain/decentralized social media, networked with thousands of other folks around the world, and producing my evolving brand of content, this post SHOULD push me over the unbelievable (70) reputation score.

Besides a handful of $hive rescued from an exchange in a dip, I have organically earned every token, powered up all of them, and recently passed the 5k threshold into dolphinhood! Unbelievable.

I am VERY close to 1200 followers which is an excellent accomplishment in my mind but more significant to me is the number of folks I would never have come to know if it were not for Crypto, Steem, and now Hive. Perhaps you could be one of the last 12 followers? ;)

I also reflect on the 11,000 posts I will have submitted to the blockchain (after this eve's curation.) That is one hell of an investment in time and keystrokes for a present value of ~$621.46 USD. The present value does not concern me though as I am in this for the long term and I count the writing practice, friends I have made, and years of unfiltered personal journalism from people in every corner of the flat world (; That is the payday and an increase of $Hive would be just like a Christmas bonus.

Thanks for years gone by and even better ones to come.


The World


As I pause to consider the inclement weather, there are bare trees, geese flying south, empty nests and umbrellas blowing inside out. This could probably get you down if you don't appreciate the pause we get when the winter is about to set in. Hibernation is as important a part of the cycle of life as basking in the warm days.

I look at the uncertainty the community and business owners face as we are all unsure to a degree as to how things will pan out. Having decided that I won't spend too much time worrying about the things I cannot control, I have resigned myself to do what I can. Our most recent initiative has been a 40-meal donation and delivery to the front line warriors at a long term care home that has been declared a Covid outbreak with a few dozen cases, and a few deaths. As my better half questions the safety of poking my nose in the eye of the storm, she can probably see how confident I am in measuring that risk against the reward of helping some of the most caring, invested and probably weary people as they are literally fighting for lives.

Crisis + Time = Humour in my experience. Though this upheaval is no laughing matter, I am grateful to be in a position to help, have fun, and make the memories we will laugh at when we get through this.

Winter always leads to spring and this season too shall pass.


The Fall Blooms


On this Sublime Sunday, I consider the backlog of blog posts I had meant to share and the schedule that has sabotaged my ability to post them. They too will have their time. I will revel in the fleeting moments of relaxation. I will crack a nice IPA and prepare for D&D night, and I will pause in admiration for the valiant late fall flowers who refuse to stop blooming until there is snow on their petals.

I am celebrating all that I have, ready to let go of it all for the benefit of family, and have been adequately fueled by this #sublimesunday to be charging into another revolutionary week.


Sublime enjoying a day of balance, and having it fuel your soul for another challinging and spectacular week.




I am honoured to curate for:


How sublime is your Sunday?