Spring 2021: Auricularia auricula-judae

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago


EN: This is medicinal mushroom according to the traditional Chinese medicine! Google the latin name from the title & you'll find out what does it serve for... It grows almost all year long & it can survive very low temperatures, even snow & ice. These I found in spring time while picking asparagus.

CRO: Ovo je ljekovita gljiva prema kineskoj tradicionalnoj medicini! Guglajte latinsko ime iz naslova pa ćete saznati čemu služi... Raste skoro cijelu godinu i može preživjeti vrlo niske temperature, čak i snijeg i led. Ove sam našao u proljeće dok sam brao šparuge.

#gljive #croatiafulloflife #croatiafullofmagic #croatiaheavenonearth #croatiafullofopportunities


beautiful post, i like it very much

thanks! did you google it?

what is googling

did you research about the mushroom?

Excelente imagen y descripción. aliriera