Dama misteriosa | Desafío MONOMAD / Mysterious lady | MONOMAD Challenge [Esp/Eng]


Mujer de caminar misterioso, se encuentra sumergida en una esencia sensual y arrolladora, no deja ver su mirada, pero es tan intensa que se siente como quema desde las profundidades de su alma. No tiene miedo al qué dirán, solo vive navegando en las olas del universo, colmando su existencia de conocimiento sideral. Sin esperar amores efímeros, porque su soledad la satisface por sobre todas las cosas. Así que sus andares son reservados para los seres ajenos, mientras sus allegados van disolviendo esos misterios que la cubren.

Se va posando entre abanicos de blanco resplandecer, para que humanos sin gracia no puedan absorber su magnífica magia. Compone entre la luz y oscuridad, porque le da sinceridad a su vuelo ensordecedor, que se convierte en un arte singular de sublime corazón. Emerge de las aguas de ninfas oscuras, para darle claridad a la visión perdida, de un ayer doloroso... No deja que su estado la tumbe, por eso da paso firme, despeja la mirada y todo ser se intimida ante tanta fuerza de su alma danzante.

Está misteriosa dama florece desde el tiempo sin prisa, dándole un alto a la rapidez sin retorno. Su calma invade los cielos tornasoles, tocando sus alas con sentires inolvidables, resonando en la cavidad de los universos infinitos. Mientras se sienta mostrando su extraordinaria armonía, que se percibe en su alma transformadora y su cuerpo de bellísimas imperfecciones. Mira al detalle discreto, para llegar a recargarte de dicha inagotable, con tanto solo amarla. No le tengas miedo al misterio, que logrará sorprenderte más que un choque de adrenalina. Porque nada se compara a una dama con miradas incontrolables.

"Autoretrato de una dama al borde de misterios innumerables, de esencia desmesurada y evolución elocuente"



A woman with a mysterious walk, she is immersed in a sensual and overwhelming essence, she does not let you see her gaze, but it is so intense that you can feel it burning from the depths of her soul. She is not afraid of what people will say, she only lives sailing on the waves of the universe, filling her existence with sidereal knowledge. Without waiting for ephemeral loves, because her solitude satisfies her above all things. So her walks are reserved for the beings of others, while those close to her dissolve those mysteries that cover her.

She is perched among fans of white radiance, so that graceless humans cannot absorb her magnificent magic. She composes between light and darkness, because she gives sincerity to her deafening flight, which becomes a singular art of sublime heart. She emerges from the waters of dark nymphs, to give clarity to the lost vision, of a painful yesterday.... She doesn't let her state knock her down, that's why she takes a firm step, clears her gaze and every being is intimidated by the strength of her dancing soul.

This mysterious lady blooms from time without haste, giving a halt to the speed without return. Her calm invades the iridescent skies, touching her wings with unforgettable feelings, resonating in the cavity of infinite universes. As she sits showing her extraordinary harmony, which is perceived in her transforming soul and her body of beautiful imperfections. Look at the discreet detail, to get to recharge you with inexhaustible joy, just by loving her. Do not be afraid of the mystery, which will surprise you more than a shock of adrenaline. Because nothing compares to a lady with uncontrollable looks.

"Self-portrait of a lady on the edge of innumerable mysteries, with an immeasurable essence and eloquent evolution"


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!