(ESP/ENG) Tarde diferente | A different afternoon

in GEMS2 years ago

Soy un hombre hogareño, me gusta mucho la comodidad de estar en casa, creo que aprendí o adopte este estilo de vida, culpando a la pandemia mundial, llevando casi dos años confinados en casa, saliendo únicamente para compras necesarias, claro en esto influye mucho mi trabajo actual, hoy quise tener un día diferente, mi esposa viene desde hace días diciéndome que quiere ir a comprar unas cosas y hoy era el día, ya que me lo tome libre, anoche me quede esperando el eclipse lunar y me levante demasiado tarde.

I am a homebody, I like the comfort of being at home, I think I learned or adopted this lifestyle, blaming the global pandemic, taking almost two years confined at home, leaving only for necessary purchases, of course this influences a lot my current job, today I wanted to have a different day, my wife has been telling me for days that she wants to go buy some things and today was the day, since I took it off, last night I was waiting for the lunar eclipse and I got up too late.

Cuando se despertó le expresé que saldríamos, invitamos a mi suegra y cuadramos todo, almorzamos nos alistamos y viaje, tenía mucho que no iba a un centro comercial, después de analizar a cuál ir, llegamos a la conclusión que la mejor opción era el centro de la ciudad, ya que hay varios centros comerciales cerca, yo solo fui a tener una tarde diferente y ella a comprar ropa y zapatos, ya que se viene la época decembrina y es preferible comprar ahora antes de que los precios suban.

When she woke up I told her that we were going out, we invited my mother-in-law and we arranged everything, we had lunch, we got ready and we travelled, I hadn't been to a shopping centre for a long time, after analysing where to go, we came to the conclusion that the best option was the city centre, as there are several shopping centres nearby, I only went to have a different afternoon and she went to buy clothes and shoes, as the Christmas season is coming and it is preferable to buy now before prices go up.

Mientras ella caminaba, visitaba tiendas, se media ropa y zapatos, en compañía de mi suegra, yo decidí dar un paseo con mi princesa, ella estaba tan asombrada como yo, ver tantas personas juntas en el sitio, tantas cosas, Alissandra se emocionó, quería caminar para todos lados y entrar en todas las tiendas, esta nueva experiencia para ella, por lo que note la disfruto, sé que debo sacarla más seguido, aunque el temor al coronavirus es lo que nos mantiene en casa.

While she was walking, visiting shops, stocking clothes and shoes, in the company of my mother-in-law, I decided to take a walk with my princess, she was as amazed as I was, seeing so many people together on the site, so many things, Alissandra was excited, she wanted to walk everywhere and enter all the shops, this new experience for her, as far as I can tell I enjoy it, I know I have to take her out more often, although the fear of the coronavirus is what keeps us at home.

Camine mucho, comí, mire tiendas de tecnología, aunque no es gran cosa lo que podemos encontrar acá, me abastecí de pasta térmica, memorias RAM, uno que otro cable, estaño y otras cositas que ya casi no tenía para trabajar, después de unas 5 horas mi esposa me aviso que tenía lista todas sus compras, yo con la beba dormida en brazos, nos reunimos y nos dispusimos a regresar.

I walked a lot, ate, looked at technology shops, although there is not much to find here, I stocked up on thermal paste, RAM memories, one or another cable, tin and other little things that I almost didn't have to work with, after about 5 hours my wife told me that she had all her purchases ready, me with the baby asleep in my arms, we got together and set out to return.

Llegue a casa con un dolor de cabeza inmenso, pero el ver a mi esposa feliz con las cosas que compro, saber que mi hija disfruto esta salida y cambiar mi rutina diaria por algo diferente, me hizo mucho bien, creo que debo dejar mi temor al virus, y empezar a ver nuevamente los lugares que frecuentaba antes de todo esto, por supuesto cuidándome y cuidando a los míos.

***I came home with a huge headache, but seeing my wife happy with the things I bought, knowing that my daughter enjoyed this outing and changing my daily routine for something different, did me a lot of good, I think I should leave my fear of the virus, and start seeing again the places I frequented before all this, of course taking care of myself and my family.---

Sin más me despido amigos, hasta la próxima.

Los Tejos

Without further ado I say goodbye friends, until next time.

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