Burren, A singular being.

in OnChainArt3 years ago


Burren, A singular being.
By @drynemer

Hello dear Hivers, I hope you are well. After a week without publishing I decided to create Burren, a singular being made with prismacolor wood colors. I made a simple sketch and then started to paint with strong colors. I really liked the result, he has green hair in waves, his face varies between orange, yellow and brown. Her nose is purple, it seemed like a funny touch to me and intimidating to the world that Burren is from. A world where they are divided by beasts and pacifists. The pacifists were sweet and scruffy beings with a warm color to their skin, their noses unchanged from flesh and cyan. Instead the beasts were rustic beings, with dark colors and shiny wavy hair. Just like Burren.

Used materials:
° Prismacolor colors
° Graphite pencils.
° Eraser.
° Notebook handmade by me with recycle sheets.


💫Drawing process 💫


Foto by @drynemer


Foto by @drynemer


Foto by @drynemer


💫Final score 💫


Foto by @drynemer


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