Drawing my cousin and his two daughters.

in OnChainArt3 years ago


Drawing my cousin ando his two daughters.
By @drynemer

Hello dear Hivers, I hope you are well. Today I bring you a completed challenge that I set myself a few days ago. The task consisted of portraying my cousin who is like my brother and his two girls. Here is the result, I hope you like it and leave me a comment. I used 6 types of graphite pencils and a mechanical pencil for the small details.

Used materials:
° Graphite pencils (3H, H, B, 2B, 3B, 6B).
° White cardboard size 29.8x21
° Limpiatipo
° Difuminos
° Eraser
° Mechanical pencil with 0.5 leads


💫Drawing process 💫


Foto by @drynemer

Start by drawing the sketch of the face of the little girl and my cousin with a pencil h and another 3h.


Foto by @drynemer

Then detail the little girl's face with a 3B pencil and her hair with 6B.


Foto by @drynemer


Thanks for visiting and seeing my post! 🐼💙




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