
in Pinmapple2 years ago

Hoy decidi compartir con ustedes momentos vividos con mi hija Arianna de Jesus Medina Guaina, la menor en el caso de su primera comunion, esto motivado a que en hives anteriores compartir con usteded los 15 años de mi princesa, señores como pasa el tiempo y para nosotros los padres los hijos, siempre seran nuestros niños, es por ello que luego de sus 15 años, se procedio a gestionar todo lo referente a su comunion, pero aqui en Venezuela, se esta considerando un tiempo de mas de 2 y 3 años, para poder realizar su comunion, bueno se procedio a llevar consecutivamente a la iglesia, para que iniciara su catequeses o estudios, para optar a su comun, cumpliendo con los requisitos.

Today I decided to share with you moments lived with my daughter Arianna de Jesus Medina Guaina, the youngest in the case of her first communion, this is motivated by the fact that in previous hives I share with you the 15 years of my princess, gentlemen, how time flies and to we, the parents, the children, will always be our children, that is why after 15 years, they proceeded to manage everything related to their communion, but here in Venezuela, a time of more than 2 and 3 years is being considered, In order to carry out their communion, well, they proceeded to take them consecutively to the church, so that they could begin their catechesis or studies, to opt for their community, fulfilling the requirements.


Luego de los 2 años, ingresa nuevo padre a la parroquia, pero oriundo de piritu y autoriza agilizar el proceso porque para el dia de la inmaculada 8 de diciembre 2021, debian estar preparados los niños a su comunion, se aproximan los dias, donde hay que gestionar todo vestido, zapatos y compartir de los niños por su comunion, esto trajo contratiempos con el liceo, se me enfermo y los resultados en el liceo, fueron los no esperados, pero bueno como le dije a mi hija, que primo el compromiso con dios que el, le ayudaria con su estudios y en donde tenia que recuperarse, pero la suerte para todos que solo le quedo una materia y la baja de notas en las demas.

After 2 years, a new father enters the parish, but from Piritu and authorizes to speed up the process because for the day of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2021, the children had to be prepared for their communion, the days are approaching, where there are to manage all clothing, shoes and sharing of the children for their communion, this brought setbacks with the high school, I got sick and the results at the high school were unexpected, but well, as I told my daughter, what a cousin the commitment with God that he would help him with his studies and where he had to recover, but luck for all that he only had one subject left and he dropped grades in the others.


Por lo antes expuesto, se llaman a su abuelita olivia, para la elaboracion de su vestido, donde ella misma lo diseño y se le envia a la abuelita, para su.elaboracion y quien le elaboro su vestido de los 15 años, tambien fue su abuelita, ella siempre es quien le confecciona sus vestidos, sobre todo sus actividades importante como esta, siempre esta para ella. La hermana viaja a Barcelona, estado Anzoategui Venezuela a comprarle sus zapatos, coronita y detalles a su arreglo final, llega el dia y con mucha emocion y satisfaccion, inicial el corre corre, peinado, arreglos y traslado a la iglesia a la ceremonia final, este dia fueron de su grupo a la comunion mas de 45 niños y niñas, siendo la mayoria niñas.

Due to the above, they call her grandmother Olivia, for the elaboration of her dress, where she designed it herself and sent it to the grandmother, for its elaboration and who made her 15-year-old dress, it was also her Grandma, she is always the one who makes her dresses, especially her important activities like this one, she is always there for her. The sister travels to Barcelona, ​​Anzoategui state Venezuela to buy her shoes, crown and details for her final arrangement, the day arrives and with great emotion and satisfaction, the initial run runs, hairstyle, arrangements and transfer to the church for the final ceremony, This day more than 45 boys and girls went from his group to the communion, the majority being girls.


Al final, todo salio, muy bien y todos contentos en familia, se le llevo a la niña a comer pizza, que el encanta y en familia, se compartir y disfrutas conversando los por menores de la actividad y misas efectuada en honor a los niños que realizaron su comunion.

In the end, everything went very well and everyone was happy as a family. The girl was taken to eat pizza, which she loved and as a family, she shared and enjoyed talking to the minors about the activity and masses held in honor of the children. who made their communion.


"Independiente de Religion y cada quien con sus creencia y cultura, existe un dios que siempre estara presente en nuestras vidas". Medina Jose Antonio 2022.

"Independent of Religion and everyone with their beliefs and culture, there is a god who will always be present in our lives". Medina Jose Antonio 2022.


Su post ha sido valorado por @goya

Hi there, congratulations on your daughter's communion. Please note the Pinmapple community is a travel community and general lifestyle content will be more suite in the generic lifestyle based communities. If you post about travel, you are more than welcome to post here and pin to pinmapple. Thanks