
in GEMS2 years ago

Buenos dias, gracias a todos por compartir la lectura de mis pos y comentarios, gracias nuevamente.

Good morning, thank you all for sharing the reading of my posts and comments, thanks again.


En esta oportunidad, les comentare y compartire sobre la confirmacion de mi hija, ya que he compartido con usted, sus quince años, comunion, esto se realizo en el mis de diciembre 2021, en esta oportunidad les cuento que fue la responsable de su vestimenta fue su madre, donde tomo sus vestido de matrimonio de 31 años y diseño su blusa y elaboracion de su patalon color turquesa, tomando la parte de arriba del vestido, solo cortando la parte indicada y no todo, lo que tomo lo requerido parte indicada anteriormente, de acuerdo a la necesidad de corta mas nada, ni ajustarle nada, le quedo perfecta.

In this opportunity, I will comment and share about the confirmation of my daughter, since I have shared with you, her fifteen years, communion, this took place on the month of December 2021, this time I tell you that she was responsible for her dress It was her mother, where she took her 31-year-old wedding dress and designed her blouse and made her turquoise pants, taking the top part of the dress, only cutting the indicated part and not all, which took the required part indicated above , according to the need to cut more nothing, or adjust anything, it was perfect.


En esta oportunidad, para la confirmacion fueron la misma cantidad de niños 45 que los que relizaron la comunion y con una misa nuevamente hermosa, recibiendo nuevente la bendicion de dios, pero en esta oportunidad, se presente el problema con una amiga, prima y mi ahijada, donde no llego a tiempo, por no tener que ponerse y el no tener el padrino que corresponde a la confirmacion, tome la decision de buscarme y hacerla entender que asistiria que yo podia ser nuevamente su padrino, pero fue el mismo padre quien asumido esa responsabilidad de ser su.padrino, ya convencidad, se logro que la niña Daniuska Martinez, cumpliera ese compromiso con dios.

On this occasion, for the confirmation there were the same number of children 45 as those who made communion and with a once again beautiful mass, receiving God's blessing nine times, but on this occasion, the problem arose with a friend, cousin and my goddaughter, where I didn't arrive on time, because I didn't have to wear and not have the godfather that corresponds to the confirmation, I made the decision to look for me and make her understand that I would attend that I could be her godfather again, but it was the same father who assumed that responsibility of being his godfather, and convinced, the girl Daniuska Martinez was able to fulfill that commitment to God.


Todos los padres que somos catolicos, debemos verlar porque se cumplan, estos compromisos con dios y la iglesia, como lo son unos de sus sacramentos. Es muy importante que los niños tengan esa bendicion de dios y conozcan la palabra de dios.

All of us parents who are Catholic must see to it that these commitments to God and the church are fulfilled, as are some of its sacraments. It is very important that children have that blessing from God and know the word of God.


"Se respeta religiones y creencias, pero lo que si, es cierto es que existe un solo Dios". Medina Jose Antonio 2022.

"Religions and beliefs are respected, but what is true is that there is only one God". Medina Jose Antonio 2022.


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