Marcha sin despedida

in Writing Club2 years ago

artbykleiton from pexels

He abandonado la realidad,
no tengo palabras para expresar
el hecho que ni siento mi alma,
ahora que no estas, solo tu espalda.

I have left reality,
I have no words to express
the fact that I don't even feel my soul,
now that you're gone, only your back.

No hubo aviso ni despedida,
fue como el soplo sorpresivo del viento,
bastante frío porque me deja helada,
como reina de hielo quede en tu fachada.

There was no warning or farewell,
it was like the surprise blowing of the wind,
quite cold because it leaves me frozen,
like an ice queen left on your facade.

No es que siempre estuviste,
pero ahora que no estás,
se siente mucho más,
el vacío de las paredes y mi alma.

It's not that you were always there,
but now that you're gone,
it feels so much more,
the emptiness of the walls and my soul.

Pense que era amor,
pero estábamos tan cerca
y lejos a la vez,
que nos perdimos en el cruce.

I thought it was love,
but we were so close
and far away at the same time,
we lost each other at the crossroads.

No tengo ideas para excusarte,
el hecho que sola me dejas,
no hubo falta de amor y atención
éramos solo dos en una falsa unión.

I have no ideas to excuse you,
the fact that you leave me alone,
there was no lack of love and attention
we were just two in a false union.

Ahora solo quedo sentada en el sofá,
aquello que era suave se siente áspero,
como mi garganta al tragar mi saliva,
entre lágrimas y un grito que se escapa.

Now I'm just sitting on the couch,
what was soft feels rough,
like my throat as I swallow my saliva,
between tears and a scream that escapes.

No sé dónde estás
mientras intento mirar el cielo,
pero hay paredes que me detienen,
y una almohada que nada cálida esta.

I don't know where you are
as I try to look at the sky,
but there are walls that stop me,
and a pillow that's not warm at all.

Me la he jugado contigo,
toda una vida perdida,
he perdido mi juventud a tu lado,
pensando que la felicidad era el experimentado.

I've had it out for you,
a whole life lost,
I've lost my youth by your side,
thinking that happiness was the experienced one.

Estoy cansada de huir,
de esta realidad,
pero ahora que le doy entrada,
es amarga expresar su bienvenida.

I am tired of running away,
from this reality,
but now that I give it entrance,
it is bitter to express its welcome.

¿Dónde estás Sr. Ohio?,
ni siquiera pude ver tu espalda
entre la marcha y el olvido,
quedan grietas sin sentido.

Where are you, Mr. Ohio?
I couldn't even see your back
between the march and the oblivion,
meaningless cracks remain.

0fjd125gk87 from pexels