My Garden // Amazing Nature Contest: Thematic Challenge - #3/11/21 [Eng-Esp]

in Amazing Nature3 years ago (edited)




My little natural space at home is a must, having a plant, a small tree and a garden gives the perfect balance to my home.

Drawing and painting the pots to recreate them and make them more natural is something I love, it brightens up every corner of my home.

Playing with wooden sticks, painted stones, wagon full of shrubs, embellishes every space and makes it humanly natural.

Taking care of them, pruning them, watering them relaxes me every morning and the smell they give off to the environment, simulates a country place, which relaxes me and makes me feel every moment, the conjugation of the city and the countryside.

Mi pequeño espacio natural en casa, es imprescindible, tener una planta, un pequeño árbol y un jardín, dan el equilibrio perfecto a mi hogar.

Dibujar y pintar las macetas, para recrearlas y hacerlas más naturales es algo que me encanta, esto ilumina cada rincón de mi recinto.

Hacer juego con varillas de madera, piedras pintadas, carreta llena de arbustos, engalanan cada espacio y lo hace humanamente natural.

El cuidarlas, podarlas, regarlas relajan cada mañana y el olor que expulsan al ambiente, simula un lugar campestre, que me relajan y hacen sentir cada momento, la conjugación de lo citadino y el campo.




Cactus, flowers, bushes, roses and even tubers, they are all my favourites and that gratifying smell of wet earth is a real pleasure, to see them grow, sprout or bloom is a source of pride.

The aesthetics and adornment of a plant is gratifying, to have them is a pride, to plant them and to take care of them is a virtue.

So I invite each of you, friends of HIVE, to have the experience of admiring a flower growing, feeling its living sap and living the story of having a garden at home.

Having a green space in your home is the unique opportunity to feel the majestic nature in your life.

Cactus, flores, arbustos, rosas y hasta tubérculos, todos son mis preferidos y ese olor gratificante a tierra mojada, hacen un verdadero placer, verlas crecer, retoñar o florear es un orgullo.

La estética y el adorno de una planta es gratificante, tenerlas es un orgullo, plantarlas y cuidarlas es una virtud.

Así que invito a cada uno de ustedes, amigos de HIVE, que tengan la experiencia de admirar crecer una flor, sentir su savia viva y vivir la historia de tener un jardín en casa.

Tener un espacio verde en tu hogar, es la oportunidad única de sentir a la majestuosa naturaleza en tu vida.


All photos are my own || Todas las fotos son de mi autoría.



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Su post ha sido valorado por @goya

Gracias por su apoyo incondicional

 3 years ago  

Thank you for entering the competition.
Every piece of nature (even if it is "only" in a pot) connects us to the universe. I wish you a lot of joy with your piece of nature :-)


Thank you for creating these spaces and allow me to show my love for our nature.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome :-)



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Thoroughly enjoyed seeing the ideas you use in design and decorating bringing a little nature indoors.

Thank you, it is unimaginable the decorations that can be made with plants.

Mine are now all outdoors, still some pots but most are planted out, all depends and space being used efficiently which you accomplished well.