Rollos de harina de maíz rellenos con queso y pimentón/Cornmeal rolls stuffed with cheese and paprika 🌯

in GEMS3 years ago
Authored by @Noalys

Bienvenidos a mi espacio de recetas/ Welcome to my recipe space.

Hola chicos, en este día viernes compartiré con ustedes esta deliciosa receta para merendar y compartir con nuestros seres queridos en casita, unos rollos realizados con harina de maíz rellenos con queso y pimentón ingrediente que le añade un toque exquisito que a mi me fascina.

Hi guys, this Friday I will share with you this delicious recipe to snack and share with our loved ones at home, some rolls made with corn flour stuffed with cheese and paprika, an ingredient that adds an exquisite touch that fascinates me.



🍥 2 tazas de Harina de Maíz
🍥 1 taza de Agua
🍥 Queso
🍥 Pimentón
🍥 Aceite
🍥 Sal al gusto
🍥 Adobo al gusto



🍥 Primero comenzaremos cortando el pimentón y queso en tiras no tan gruesas y largas.


🍥 Luego prepararemos la masa para éstos rollitos en un envase añadimos el agua, la sal y el adobo, amasamos hasta que la misma quede suave.



🍥 Pasamos a realizar el rollo colocando en una superficie plana previamente aplicamos en ella aceite para que no se pegue la masa, realizamos un óvalo un poco mas grande que las tiras de queso y pimentón. Colocamos las tiras en medio y cerramos.



🍥Freimos los rollos en aceite pre-calentado hasta que esten dorados.


🍥Servimos y disfrutamos de estos crujientes rollos de harina rellenos con pimentón y queso.


¡Hasta una próxima receta!

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🍥 2 cups Corn
🍥 1 cup Water
🍥 Cheese
🍥 Paprika
🍥 Oil
🍥 Salt to taste
🍥 Adobo to taste



🍥 First we will start by cutting the paprika and cheese in not so thick and long strips.


🍥 Then we will prepare the dough for these rolls in a bowl add the water, salt and marinade and knead until it is smooth and all ingredients are well incorporated.



🍥 We move on to make the roll by placing it on a flat surface previously applied oil on it so that the dough does not stick to us, we make an oval a little larger than the strips of cheese and paprika.
Place the strips in the middle and close the roll.



🍥 Fry the rolls in previously heated oil until golden brown on both sides.


🍥 Serve and enjoy these delicious and crunchy corn flour rolls stuffed with paprika and cheese.


Until next recipe!

To translate each of my publications I use:

In case you want to know more about me you can follow me on my Instagram.

Every photograph is my property.



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