M777 artillery system is changing the war.

With massive amount of capability and effectiveness you're just going to continue watching Ukrainian forces completely change the way warfare is being conducted. Nicknamed triple ax this weapon system is so precise capable of that incredible accuracy that with nine artillery shells Russian forces accumulated a 300 man loss in a single engagement. With fire superiority like this it is just a matter of time until Russian forces end up having to give up in this war.

Western medicine is absolutely making a huge difference on the front lines being able to save a massive amount of human beings. Ironically we absolutely do not see anything from the Russian side about medical care for their soldiers unless it is a propaganda puff piece. Actually having medical facilities and Frontline battle hospitals is an extremely important part.

And having Western medicine available to Frontline groups is saving so many lives as well as making sure that even small injuries don't escalate into life-threatening situations.

Absolutely I can see that Russian population is completely and totally overwhelmed and tired of the special military operation with any average citizen being able to see that things are not going very well at all for Russian forces and a massive amount of casualties that here in the United States absolutely would an immediate cessation to any and all hostilities. The wholesale liquidation of phenomenal amounts of human beings is a huge amount of the workforce. Indifference and apathy up to the time where you are mobilized and then you absolutely will see people caring quite a bit.

Apparently a large mob of women are going to the front line in some insane display and protest to losing so many of their men. I really don't think that this will end up turning out very well for these women as Russia really doesn't like any activism.

Mobilization backfired massively especially where you saw individual drafted and instantly transported to the front lines with absolutely no training.

The criminal negligence of this behavior is even being brought up by Russian citizens themselves.

I'd really like to keep an eye on this and hopefully these women will not be executed or attacked as numerous Russian war crimes have been documented against women and children in the front lines and occupied territories.

The entire world will be watching very carefully to see what all happens with this situation.


It looks like Millions of Russians are headed to their early grave and Putin just doesn’t care.

What's really sad is a million more deaths are going to happen over the next hundred years due to the sanctions and economic hardship...