Stay Inside and Game Together

in #technology4 years ago

The stay inside initiative is one we’ve become most familiar with over the last few weeks. Whether you’re alone or with close ones, gaming is something that can help keep our minds off the current lack of social interaction. Life is busy and it doesn’t mean that we suddenly stop working, many are working from home or have other obligations. When an opportunity to relax presents itself, gaming can be a great way to momentarily escape the stress and loneliness. Some game companies are actively changing their content to reflect real world events, changing mechanics to encourage players to stay inside and most importantly stay safe.

Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed the demand for console games to spike, unsurprising when a population is stuck inside. Aside from Netflix binging, the gaming industry has continued to serve their customers. Games are not an essential living item and it’s probably impossible to go out to the supermarket to pick up the latest game releases. Personally, I’ve migrated to the digital model of gaming on both PC and console. Disc collecting has its merits, especially when connections falter or you want to let someone borrow a game but digital library sharing has also been a thing for a while. A friend of mine was burgled a few months back and lost his gaming consoles and entire collection. They’ve since switched to a digital only library, you may lose license rights in the future but for the next few years it’s a versatile solution. I love the convenience of picking a game, downloading it and playing. The days of heading to a store to hunt for a copy are behind me and I don’t think I will be looking back anytime soon.

The epidemic has made online gaming an appealing fix for socialising between real people. Whether it’s pulling off clutch plays or epically failing, the online world of gaming is truly valuable in the current state of lockdown. For those who are offline right now, it’s an escape from a tough time. Playing together with people at home is also a great way to bond, even for those non gamers. Mobile gaming has also taken off over the past few decades and there’s something for everyone. AR titles such as Pokémon GO are also making adjustments to let people stay indoors and play their favourite game without going outside. Stay inside, game away and have fun.

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