
hear you and see you 😘

I knew you'd get it 🤗😘

This is a strange poosssttt... no real content???

Do you know this movie maybe?

Quality is so subjective these days. I look more forward to the engagement in the comments now.

No, it's not. Value is subjective.

Quality is Quality.

I'm not sure you can judge art, if you were talking about say, a part for a machine, then yes, quality is quality. But in terms of creation and expression, value is in the eye of the beholder just as is the quality.

So you say, art happens in the emotional world of the consumer, that's what creates its value?

Cannot say quality constitutes value or that value is proportional to quality, but yes, emotion has a very significant role in both.

I'm just hitting random posts under the sorted by "new" first. Do some curation and invite people to participate in my giveaways. That's how I found this one.

I'd say people would be more enticed if the giveaway was for HIVE - at least on this chain ;)

You are right, I'll switch it up if once again none is able to win xE

I didn't think that the question was that hard...

We're all people at the end of the day.