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RE: By fire white

in #thoughts3 years ago

How are people finding and choosing the tokens they are investing into?

For many it's just hearsay, following what a majority of people are doing. I believe laziness is the reason why we see these kinds of lazy investments, along with so few people in the crypto space on blockchain based social platforms. Many people simply want the profits they hear about without bothering about things like usability


still, how do they find out about these random shit tokens and why would anyone with significant stack go heavy into them?

That I can't answer, but my guess is the more ridiculous it is, the lower the barrier for entry thus the more rewards it promises. Reading about crypto billionaires made overnight can do that to one... Lol

Social media and huge win stories could be the fuel of that.
My friends are willing to put some money together on a monthly basis to build a portfolio. But they want to manage it. That is difficult enough for me. There is a big difference a writing a post on social media and informing people close to you.
While this shouldn't be, it is.

Everyone wants to win the lottery - though there is a far better chance with crypto :D

We may also include the huge amount of different tokens. Sometimes it is even difficult for more wintered crypto lovers to see the forest through the trees.
The newcomers who do het burned right away are lost souls. Regardless if they did a stupid investment or not.