Time to move on

in #travel4 years ago

So, now the time has come, after almost a year on the road and more than 8 months in Australia we will soon be heading home. like many other travelers, we were completely taken aback by the corona virus and all our plans for the next months / years were nullified.

Our original plan to fly to thailand in may and then come to australia for another 6 months in june was destroyed months ago. in spite of everything we have made the best of it the last few months, but at some point we will also run out of steam.

that's why we decided not to wait any longer for our visa application to be decided, but to fly back to germany at the beginning of august. Flights are already booked ... hopefully they won't be canceled.

So, nun ist es soweit, nach knapp einem Jahr unterwegs und davon mehr als 8 Monate in Australien geht es bald Richtung Heimat. Wie auch viele andere Reisende wurden wir vom corona virus total überrumpelt und unsere ganzen Pläne für die nächsten Monate/Jahre wurden zu Nichte gemacht.

Unser uhrsprünglicher Plan im Mai nach Thailand zu fliegen um dann im Juni für weitere 6 Monate nach Australien zu kommen wurde schon vor Monaten zerstört. Trotz allem haben wir die letzten Monate das beste daraus gemacht, doch irgendwann geht auch uns die Puste aus.

Deshalb haben wir uns entschieden nicht weiter auf die Entscheidung unseres Visa Antrags zu warten, sondern Anfang August zurück nach Deutschland zu fliegen. Flüge sind berets gebucht...hoffentlich werden diese nicht wieder storniert.


And again we had a great time in Australia and are really happy that we were stranded here during this pandemic. in my opinion, the Australians handled the topic quite well, even if it doesn't seem like the last few days.

We got around a lot again, saw a lot and learned a lot for life again.

We have already sold our car, which we will hand over next week. We will miss our bright red mummy SUV and are already thinking about buying a car in Germany.
Fun fact: We already owned 7 cars in Australia and not a single one in Germany. So it's about time.

Wieder einmal hatten wir eine super zeit in Australien und sind wirklich froh darüber, dass wir hier in diesem Land gestrandet waren während der Pandemie. Meiner Meinung nach sind die Australier recht gut mit dem Thema umgegangen, auch wenn es die letzten tage nicht so den Anschein macht.

Wir sind mal wieder viel rum gekommen, haben einiges gesehen und mal wieder viel fürs Leben gelernt.

Wir haben sogar bereits unser Auto verkauft, welches wir nächste Woche übergeben werden. Wir werden unseren knall roten Mami SUV vermissen und denken bereits darüber nach uns in Deutschland ein Auto zu kaufen.
Fun Fact: Wir haben ins Australien bereits 7 autos besessen und in Deutschland noch kein einziges. Wird also so langsam mal Zeit.

IMG_6219 2.jpg

Based on the headline, you might think that I'm turning my back on hive. this is not the case, on the contrary, if everything goes according to plan, i will blog this year about countries like Portugal and Spain and provide you with great pictures from there.

Anhand der Überschrift könnte man auch denken dass ich hive den rücken zukehre. dies ist aber nicht der fall, ganz im Gegenteil, wenn alles nach plan läuft, werde ich noch diese Jahr über Länder wie Portugal und Spanien bloggen und euch mit tollen Bildern von dort versorgen.



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Glad you had a good time here in Australia, would have been great to meet up with you especially since we both went to the waterfall in Nambour only some days apart.

Always having a good time here thanks to you aussies ;)

That´s what I was thinking when you told me. Next time! This wasn´t the last time we´ve been here. I´ll be back 😎😂

Hopefully we can catch up next time you came back to Aus👍 Were about will you be spending the last week's in Australia?

HOpe to hear from you sooner than later. Sorry to see you go - and sorry your plans were thwarted. I felt very angry last night in a way I haven't let myeslf the whole time. You spend a lot of time convincing yourself that it's for the best, that it could be worse, that it's been a good time - but last night we just felt really MAD. Fucking virus. Anyway, now that's over I can get back to enjoying life. And trying not to be mad that the year we've waited ten years for was ruined. Dammit.

You will, unless whole europe goes back into panic mode and I regret my decision of not staying in australia. but staying here bears too many risks.

It could always be worse...well in your case I´m not sure, cause your story is crazy. The fact that you waited 10 years makes it even worse. I feel a bit bad now because we actually did not get hit that hard. I wish for you that you can continue your india trip asap!

I liked that fun fact of yours. Here's mine: I only owned one car, and that was in Germany, and haven't owned any in my own land or other countries.

Nice one, here is mine: I have never owned a car and I cannot even drive :D

I´m pretty sure you can, it´s easy! I was quite late as well doing my license. Once you have it you don´t want to miss it.

I actually have the license :D I just haven´t driven since then so I think I forgot everything and cannot drive (again) :D

haha that´s to good. So you could actually explain to me how it works because I´ve no idea 😂

Ganz einfach 😀

haha...do you speak fluent german?

Leider nicht. Ich war nur fur ein jahr nach Deutschland. Ich schafe doch fur einfache sache...

Well, that was pretty good! I´m always amazed how quickly people learn german.

Basic German yeah.

Glad you got to see Australia and enjoyed your time there safe flights back to Germany and looking forward to your Portugal and Spain adventures 👍

It was great like always. It wasn´t our first time and won´t be the last. Thank you

I am sure you will be back much to see in Australia 👍

Safe travels back home guys! You are right, the corona craziness have changed plans of millions (if not billions) of people dramatically but considering the fact that nobody knows how this thing will pan out, I think returning home is the best thing to do right now. At least that´s what we just did too.

Thanks man!

It is, also we won´t stay that long as we´re going to Portugal. But looking forward to see my family and friends...finally good beer ;)

Awaiting the next chapter anxiously, hope you travel safe and get sorted for the next life adventure.

Thanks, that´s what I do hope as well. Fingers crossed we´re not running straight into the next corona wave :)

Alles Gute für die Rückreise. Freue mich auf Reiseblogs von euch. Hoffentlich macht Corona das nicht zunichte.

Enjoy the relocation. Sad to have your plans ruined but for a lot of us it is the case.