Homeward Bound; Back to Arkansas...

in #travel3 years ago (edited)

arkansas sign.jpg


After four months, I couldn't do it anymore. Tennessee sucked ass!!! Like holy fuck did it suck! I swear middle Tennessee is the belt buckle of the goddamn Bible belt. FUCK! And I thought Arkansas was full of a bunch of backwoods slackjawed redneck white trash tweeker toothed junkies... holy shit! Arkansas doesn't got shit on Tennessee in that category HA HA. Seriously, don't believe me? Go watch that old video of Basil Marceaux from 10 years ago HA HA.

So I couldn't do it. Maybe it was because of the covaids HA HA. Seriously Nashville is throwing people in jail for not wearing masks. What kind of medical tyranny is this shit? And this is happening in the USA... SMH. At least Arkansas's mask mandate you can resist but don't get caught in Nashville without your ritualistic shame muzzle.




Some folks just don't love freedom enough.

You think Tennessee sucked? Move to WV.

There is more good bits in your first paragraph than 99% of the full length posts on Hive

Why thank you!

I stayed in Murfreesboro for about 3 months after Hurricane Irma, I moved out as soon as I could and got out to Oregon!

I was in Murfreesboro! Well actually I was in Bradyville. There was a church and a post office. That was it. Like 20 mins from Murfreesboro Ha Ha!

North Florida is still free...

For now...