Mystery School of Art: Class 1: The Sphere

in #tribevibes3 years ago

by in2itiveart, Oil on canvas, 9" x 12", 10/2021


by Woody Martin, Oil on canvas, 9" x 12", 10/2021

My friend Woodrow and I started a Mystery School - all about Natural Law utilizing the fundamentals of painting - the discipline of art making - as a beginning toward becoming one with Nature as the Dark Occult tries to strip us from our Humanity... this is what we created in Lesson 1.

You can see here, the Law of Polarity at work - dark to light but no black. Black and white are both shades, but black is symbolic of the intellect and all dark in a picture can be created with the complimentary colors mixed - in this case Burnt Sienna and Ultramarine... The Law of Correspondence - as above, so below - as within so without, as we connect with Nature, so we feel our Naturalness - NO FEAR; the Law of Mentalism - what we think about when we are painting is held spiritually upon the canvas - The Law of Rythym - dark - light, in - out, up - down, add - subtract, positive - negative, Cause and Effect - the cause in the heart of the painter and the effect is on the canvas, and Gender - positive and negative form - The Law of Care - if we didn't care about this we would have just been home consuming television instead of going to the trouble of creating something.

Mystery Schools like the Golden Dawn and others generally teach about the banishing ritual of the pentagram and how to use magick - how to invite in entities from other dimensions whereas our Mystery School teaches about how to follow Natural Law and live in peace and harmony with our brothers and sisters in Nature to live in alignment here on earth.

This is simply not taught. Natural Law is the most deeply occulted teaching.

    Natural Law Transgressions
    Usually resulting from selfish, self-centered beliefs.
    Harmful Actions:
    • Murder / Assault – Ending a life without the right to do so. If a being is killed in the act of somebody defending themselves, it is not murder. Under no possible circumstance does the “right to murder” or the “right to assault” exist. However, the right to defend oneself through physical force exists at all times.
    • Rape – Coercing the free will of another being, and making them sexually associate with whom they wish not to.
    • Theft – Taking what somebody else has created or acquired through lawful means, which is their property for as long as they are using it and being responsible for it. You have no right to just take something that does not belong to you.
    • Trespass – Every being has the right to set aside a (reasonably sized) space for themselves. And invading this area without permission or consent would be invading their privacy and their personal space, while taking away their security in the process.
    • Coercion – Forcing another being through threat of violence to have their will comply with yours, whether they wish that to be the case or not. Making somebody do something against their will is not a right. 

Natural Law: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You
Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself; Live and Let Live
And The Law of Mentalism, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Polarity, The Law of Rythm, The Law of Vibration, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Gender, and The Law of Care.

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Interesting write up on Natural Law. Always nice to see other like minds.

Yes it becomes more and more important to talk about Natural Law in all applications - simply because it's THERE. Discarding all the craziness out there that makes no sense and simply falling back on NATURAL LAW.

The fundamental, the basis, the line to which all can know...natural law.

Later we both realized - it's an apple - which is the Source - Nature was really trying to communicate to us - through my heart in the fold and through my colleague's yin yang in the symbol in the shadow so much more than either of us saw at the time - it's an apple which symbolically holds the Source of human thought-life on earth - by choosing the apple as our Source material we drew into us both the message of the apple for ourselves - the knowledge of good and evil - the birth of the intellect - the fall of man -

The fall for some but not all, good thing I did not make the choice to eat the apple. Adam can do what he likes, it concerns me not. The idea of apple is back to nature as it grows and matures is eaten or rots, the cycle of it all starts again through its death.