Twin Peaks collection = Complete!

in #twinpeaks3 years ago


Twin Peaks is my very favorite TV show. Also, I do not like David Lynch, complicated huh?

I love everything about Twin Peaks from the legitimately great early 'crime show' style episodes, through the nearly unwatchable bullshit in the second season, to it sticking one of the strangest goddamn landings in TV history with the final episodes of season 2. Season 3 is not for me but that's another rant.

Soon Netflix will be losing Twin Peaks. This is a major problem for me as, over the course of the past 18 months, I've gotten really used to it being the show I have on constantly in the background to break up the silence when working from home and having trouble concentrating. Thankfully I had collected my first full Twin Peaks box set early last year. Just last week I was able to get the more illusive season 1 box set for a fantastic price from a buddy who was selling.

I hope you enjoy the view. Lord knows I do. What do you think about Twin Peaks?