@tyrnannoght : updates 20200305

in #tyrnannoght4 years ago


“My world, my Earth is a ruin. A planet spoiled by the human species. We multiplied and fought and gobbled until there was nothing left, and then we died. We controlled neither appetite nor violence; we did not adapt. We destroyed ourselves. But we destroyed the world first.”

― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed

i set all my videos on youble to 'not for children' by default, after all i have no clue what offends who in 7 billion people - thats gonna be your own discretion ... i assume by standard rules it would be 'no frontal nudity', mild use of alcohol and psychotropic plants (or healing potions) and excessive murder of anything that tries to kill you .. but the chibi look cute, right ? (i have actually no intention of using those in the main game, but if i render that blender ole spicey or goldman morgan at 64x64px it just doesn't look right ... on top of that i first saw the website on a 4K screen yesterday (=lmao)

Some posts explaining (on steemit in this case : ) -

(how to register the steemitwallet-account used with the website)

At the moment :

@tyrnannoght combined vote 0.014425260182205 STEEM(!)after payout - 5 Sunday Apr 2020, 2:35 UTC
These , F.a.q and contact form and info can be found here

  1. ManyWeather, 19 : saturday minigame/demo-day ... moving assets so they load seems like a good start from where it stopped ... ahem*cough*(no coronacough ... i think ... i hope) - looking pretty awful there with the debuggles on and that starfield missing and that ... half of it missing hm. New server has 50gigs of space unlimited traffic (and http2 and zipped transmission, like ALL the goodies i heard of so far, php7.4 , preloading, but i can, ofcourse not totally config that thing as it is shared hosting , (read : affordable without being paid), if i cram all that full of assets (lol) i'll have like a call of duty type download so im guessing that will be a while heh. The relaxing bit, all that registration stuff is necessary ofcourse and all the checks and doublechecks before and after posting .. all those cronjobs for maintenance and connection to teh cahin ... thats not really the fun-bit AND since i want a custom client the minigames will be THE games for the time being. (ofc. as always under the 'dont wait up for it' motto, althoug i will accept a million dollar and crank one out by next week at low quality for high cost, but it will work LOL ... sure, go ahead, let me know if you my bank account number) I plan to ose OGA assets for the minigames as well, and eventually replace them later with my own WHEREAS for the 'main game' i want 'only mine' ... or maybe if it makes me 100k a month i hire a full time artist to give me consistent darkness in character design but it doesnt look like ill get that anytime soon (and it doesn look like 'artist visum' is something theyre gonna allow me to have here (same as always : no connections heh ... how the hell do you think a soviet police state works then ?) and thus ... (and so ...) beats the 6oclock telly still by a lightyear ... cant compare to having a sexlife and a trusted waifu though (best case one who lets you dablle on the programming as well while you're not stalking her for a bit o' that ... hmm, i rest my case with Schoppenhauer there, if you can ignore me you'll have a hard time ignoring him, gud (offtopic i guess, yes ?) m hmm ... nnh, OFC (an Obol for Charon) as a platformer, i want some different types like the endless runner bit on a timer and actual platformers (short levels) which i can base on what i have from OGA1 (different gfx and levels ofc) - how to link it to something i could crypto ? no clue as its client side and realtime its kinda impossible to prevent cheating so any kind of prizes would require a full recording of the playthrough ... i guess ... we'll see (at least i will, no idea if anyone else will ever...)
  2. ManyWeather, 17 : pls duly note so its noted, updates arent necessarily 'live' unless stated but might be ... the motto 'dont wait up for it was no joke' . There's too many triffids tonight as well, they're attacking from all sides and leave no window for a single breath of oxygen. Mucking about on what will eventually be 'separate eco-systems' (=certainly dont wait up for the HIVE-wallet reg yet but ill try to put up morgan there so HIVEwatchers can start downvoting it for one of their dictatorial rules) i find i will have issues with memory, not in the form of processing memory for the time being, but storage. JSON and serializing is very nice for people who cant read, its very clean and also easy to pass on to the next guy in line who cant read after you got fired for the guy who does it for less but in essence its very heavy on the bytevolume. Thats what you get for being oil in a pipeline. By my estimate, seeing the few examples i have in storage ... if i get 100 registered players who dont have too many achievements , status, skills and faction data to track, and about no more than the 10 example items and the other example data used for test-driving im already over the database limit in sql ... SO ... custom = teh win b/c there will be no other option (but im safe for the moment since there is no game and there are no players)
  3. ManyWeather, 16 : daily updates just like daily posts ... cost-effective, its a hobby project and it clearly doesnt pay , BUT i will not stop you from giving me a billion before i have anything to show ofcourse, you can call me EOS if you like, or any (most) of the others ... thats fine, early-access ? early access to what ? just gimme a billion and ill PROMISE you tomorrow ... but alle gekheid op een zotje, mostly daily cycle adaptation plus registration forms and stuff, css styling ... you can take a gamble at crack-the-vault in the house of morgan if you have a linked/registered steemitwallet account and euh ... i suppose 'OfC' will be next to be playable, as for the main-game, i already stated quite a few times i wont be going deeper (actually in real geography that would be higher) than the zone-zero : limbo until i have a custom client AND (heres the real fun bit that will give your pyramid marketeers a heart attack .. i will focus that on linux first ... Kanamori-chan is already trying to blueball me for that but that's fine ... its how we get along (thats all in my head ofcourse, i would be so lucky...). You'd think so and im sure its better (read : common) practice to get the money first and in essence if worked FOR someone i WOULD , i been ripped off plenty and focus on details like having a program later, let alone details like quadruple check logins for structure before submitting is allowed but ... well actually no but ... turns out aspergers will actually tell you if your butt is fat ... but the guy selling you that $500 skirt won't so in the end the first one might prevent you from looking ridiculous but you want the other one so you like lying to yourself, no wonder you get ripped off more than me (Kanamori-chan just whacked me with a large ledger ... ill better shut up)
  4. ManyWeather, 11 : moved minigames to after login, map doesnt show every time button is clicked, cleaned up some, removed some non-breaker errors, and #stuff, "s" is no longer null when clicking back from worldmap - clearly an a-sync thing where the objects arent ready by the time the renderframe/update starts running (somehow ... fixed by observation im afraid reading the whole phaser code is still a bit beyond my braingrade) - something that's basically irrelevant to anyone but me cos i could simply just have removed it heh. Basically a few milliseconds where one object is missing one property (or more, its hard to say ... for me ... im not Linus Phaservalds...) - cycle 'n lock and attempts at prevention by accident or skriptkiddles ... if your bot ever finds wp-login.php here it means i found an exploit that lets me inject something into your .. yea, so you probably wont
  5. ManyWeather, 11 : registration ... standard registration, where teh cahin is teh cahin and a code on a reply from one account is (in theory) immutable and impossible to forge , it doesnt pay any bills, but neither does the standard yet ofcourse ... probably overdoing it with too much salt and pepper but ... the way its easy to get blacklisted by simple adversary or even worse : by blackMAIL-blacklists (like steemcleaners on steemit ...) where you are either with-US or pay-US or never find a job in town ... assuming token-rings at $400 a pop are out of reach of most, email registration seems the only thing left (since it says 'no cookies' instead of 7000 pop-ups apologizing how 'we use cookies to give you a better experience please agree here and here and here, sign there and there, and then click away this and this ... per page maybe and then you might read something here) ... all that google login sh-..tuff is out of the question as well. I seem to remember sendmail was a bit more complicated than a one-liner though ... but, maybe that was a previous re-incarnation or someone who didnt exist, the longer im stuck here the more dispersed i become and we're past the point of no return. The intent is "in as few steps as possible" even if it looks like something unfamiliar ... the main idea is : if you don't trust it dont do it, im not gonna go out of my panties to convince you :) - mail registration disabled ... but the support form should work since that only sends to mine ... for now. I'm actually more worried about requester-spam than i am about spamming people ... some scriptkiddiebot requesting that stuff at x times/second (its not like i got total control over that server, right) might be more hassle
  6. ManyWeather, 10 : also a bit of a hassle to implement 'standard' account registration, i thought i was gonna mark/unmark but i think im gonna re-write the whole login thing ... if HIVE becomes a possibility that should be the same as using STEEM , the rest is different however ... and also, all that mental bashing gave me something i didnt use to have ... an error that doesnt show itself i start thinking its the code BUT ITS NOT ... ofcourse , they went through great lengths for YEARS to undermine my confidence, calling ME the narcist, yes ? it failed but not completely, i sometimes actually think its somewhere in the code when its not. Should i mention again this game is NOT an organic blockchain-tribe thing, but ill be more than happy to make it playable with cryptowallets when they're suitable for it. Each one will require its own 'ecosystem' though so ... sql db sizes are limited i cant just have separate tables for items and npcs and whatnot so ill need something that can be used across the board while the funds for the zones and loot comes from different places and calculations ... so , as i said : dont wait up for it (but ill put up mini-games , if they're turn-based they might be crypto-enabled as well ...) its a hobby, its a work , it is NOT a product. go h : its also 8:50 am ... i'm making progress towards something that resembles some kind of life i used to have , for a very small portion in a bit of similarity, but thats good for now then
  7. ManyWeather, 9 : bit of a hassle on how to implement the daily cycle , teh cahin might be flat , unreachable, or sabotaged by rebellious forces who hold the right to spam as long as its for their case, the host server might be under unannounced maintenance (they say they dont , they just do it during hours that arent belgian office hours so no one bothers ... ) and here i go thinking the world is round and that internet was global ... according to pinterest most interest in my pins for the tyrnannoght feed are south-american and asian ..., SO ... 3 to 6 am is a bit of a hassle to get that downtime isn't it ? but what can i expect from cheap hosting, they're pretty much the best around, especially for that price and we've known for a long time : belgium closes at six ... the rest of the world just has to adapt and learn Flemish ... anyway (i dont feel too hot either - good or i would think i might have the virus and go spitting around on peoples doorhandles - im a spitter anyway, just ask that ~~name censored~~) or so i hurrd ... i'll just shove the crons around and try to order them , assuming one will have finished before the other. Well its not a custom server and if it were 'dedicated' i STILL couldnt force the php timeout, i'd just have to do 5 minute checks during a certain period and set lots of flags here and there ... dam i got runny nose too , is that bad ?
  8. ManyWeather, 6 : contact form looks functional enough and fool-proof although the interpretation of that way of stating it might be politically incorrect and disrespectful but i dont mean it like that ... in dubio on wether to go on with 'the cycle' first or set up 'standard registration' ... HIVE wallets are an option i keep open and if they don't wreck it there it might even be free-to-play again for the lower wards (when online) but all that remains to be seen, since atm that would be free2play with tokens that are worth as much as playing standard (keep in mind world of warcraft gold has been sold for a nice total wad of dollar by now .. and i might be so lucky to get 0.01% of that playerbase HAHAHAAahahah) ... i think standard registration first. Setting up the cycle will be wip forever anyway as the number of citizens increases and more npcs get their daily routines BUT ... no matter what i doubt i will be putting anyting beyond character creation and 'limbo' online until i have a custom webclient, which leaves the mini-games ... which can also ofcourse be completely ripped off and used by someone who has 'the money and network' to sell it but i guess that's just how the story goes. R.I.P. Tesla, yay Edison history says (doesnt mean thats me , its just the nature of mankind) ... good .. marketing gf says : "STOP", "too much", i know , dearie ... i know ...
  9. ManyWeather, 5 : in bed a lot, too much daylight but when busy mostly the contactform .. its been a while that, since about i think before css was a thing (can find it under info -> contact but preferably come in through the front door theres a lot of checkings going on). hmm, it will take how long it takes and that's how long its gonna take ... if they're still selling cosmic heroine on Steam/valve for actual REAL money its kinda the least of my concerns and as i might have said : its a hobby-project, its actually not a project ... definitely not a product ...

    @tyrnannoght holds:(20200404)

    • CCC : 4972 staked , (#creativecoin), well, creativecoin .. no more or less shady than any crypto i assume and well-adopted with a living actual community, hoping to see them expand on the options
    • GG : 3066 staked #GG (#steemace good-game tokens), same thing, community is very much alive , like anything on steemit you get the same people in the trending section (wink) so its normal and alive , and also : hoping to see them expand on the options in the future, get creative with whatever these things can do, if possible find ways to go about keeping it alive even if steem-engine were gone ...
    • UFM : 3365 staked , #UFM .. @upfundme #upfundme ... it's ... upfund me !
    • there's others but i wont list that unless they start coming in the thousands and give div-on-vote (proof of ... stuff and things)

    for the websites and other platforms scroll to the bottom of the post,
    i check telegram once a day and will try the reply section on @tyrnannoght once a day but im not online 24/7 ofcourse

    all images, code, programming, foul language, and about everything else copyright 2017 - 2150 alleycat.be (unless it is made available on opengameart or unless it is available on my sourceforge bit ) - trespassers in my cables will be shot, trolls will be marked ... survivors will be hung outside my window with their head on a pike on my driveway as a warning

    i'll put up discord, facebook and the likes as it becomes available

    the product will not make you rich nor will it make you popular or beautiful

  10. no salespitch

    no mediahype

    the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually)

    *Shrouded in mist* *on hilltop lies* *the City of Night*
    (tyr - nan - noght)

    for more you can check out :

    pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

    twitter : https://twitter.com/tyrnannoght

    The Youtube Channel (click)

    any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

    any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports
    (i had a few sending mails that according to any outlook user would look like theyre coming from my site, mostly from tencent cloud before but after my run-in with the polish anti sbi-squad now from a mailserver from an Austrian company, if you experience anything like that related to any of the games or websites, please do let us know, trying very hard to not even be able to be accused of anything (like NOT using steemconnect or any kind of cookies that store anything at all, NOT asking steemkeys and so on) but theres no defense against trolls, downvoters or scriptkiddies as most user wouldnt even bother checking, but IN CASE : then the channel IS there

    The goldmanmorgan actual website :

    The @tyrnannoght actual website (where the game will be, moving servers atm ...

    not sure how these things are supposed to work other than being able to mute but i parked one so no one steals the name like those domain-name hoggers who would extort you for 20 times the money later :

    steemit Tyrnannoght community : here

    powered by : @steembasicincome , @incinboost , @team-cn , @upfundme

    if these mentions bother you please let me know in reply to @tyrnannoght or on telegram pls , those are the only two i check atm

    #upfundme #programming #gamedev #graphics #coding #simulation #game #rpg #goldmanmorgan #nbc #income-token #design #c-squared #creativecrypto #sndbox #palnet #neoxian #marlians #art #digitalart #redlambo #team-cn #nbc #income-token #design #curie #creativecrypto #smartsteem #upmewhale #therising #tipu #postpromoter