Freedom in ze Reich?

in #vaccine3 years ago


Ya. There’s an App for that. Though if those whose job it is to check on you demand your papers you vill still have to show zem.

Germany has unveiled a new digital immunity certificate that will be available alongside the paper ones already in use. The digital version is expected to make it easier for people to prove their Covid-19 vaccination status.

France has proposed to issue a "Cart Sanitaire”, Sanitary Card, to people who have been twice jabbed by one of the four experimental injections that call themselves Covid vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica, Johnson & Johnson) so that they can enter interior spaces like museums and grocery stores. Comparisons with Hitler’s Race Pass card from the years of Nazi occupation have been angrily made. Some crazy guy just slapped Macron in the face when Emanuel approached too close to the barrier to have a friendly handshake with his adoring public. French people are very sensitive about having to show your papers to the Secret Police in order to live. It’s that old historical memory thing.

But in Germany "those whose job it is to check, like in restaurants or in retail” are checking people’s papers. Are they in plainclothes like our police here who are devoting police resources to sneaking around in restaurants and grocery stores to make sure everybody is totally masked up or else they’ll shut the store down?

Oh yeah. That’s the policy right down there in black and white issued by the British Columbia Health Dictator Bonnie Henry, PHO. Police checkers are ever on the watch for our health and Safety. The lidless Eye shall never sleep. Just temporarily of course. Come September, or maybe next January, or maybe next March, everything will go back to normal, promise, maybe.

And Bonnie Henry will let go of her absolute power and, somewhat like Galadriel in Lord of the Rings, she will refuse the offer of the Ring of Power and diminish and go back into her obscure little cubby hole in her old office. She’ll dream fondly of those glorious days when she was a Queen, Beautiful and Terrible as the Dawn and All Obeyed Her (sorry. Lord of the Rings again).

Unless!! There’s a new Variant! See, once we’ve spent 2 whole years under absolute government to which we have all submitted without much fuss a precedent has been established. And under our British system precedent is the soul of the law. What do you want to bet that soon our federal and provincial governments will see how convenient that App is in Germany and bring out a Canadian version?

Absolute government? What am I talking about now? Is that from Lord of the Rings too?

No. Absolute government means the government says what goes and you do it, no trials, no courts, no rights, no constitution, no laws. Instead of rights you get privileges which will disappear if your App says you aren’t Sanitary. Instead of laws you get Policies which can change every week in a completely arbitrary manner. That’s absolute government.

That’s the kind of government where people are pepper sprayed in the face by police for being reporters (Montreal), where the police invade your offices without a warrant, handcuff you, rough you up and haul you to jail for being a reporter (also Montreal). Absolute government is the kind of government where people are kidnapped at airports by police who jam a swab high up in their nose and haul them away in unmarked vans to confinement in secret hotels at their own expense (but only if they are healthy. If they actually have “symptoms” they can go home. Yes that is the policy dictated by our Prime Minister Ducky-Socks). Arbitrary government is a State where the police can rough you up and arrest you for being without a mask even if you show them you are mask exempt (Ontario and Alberta and Saskatchewan). In the Absolute, Arbitrary State, judges declare that the laws are suspended, that the excuse of “hate” or “health” abrogates the laws and cancels rights and freedoms.

The list of excuses to abrogate our freedoms grows ever longer. Words have been used to cancel our laws; these words are completely without any legal definition and therefore without any limit on their power or any appeal against it in any court. “Islamophobia”, “Gender”, “Hate” and, for 15 months and counting, a new one, “Safety”.

I think Safety is the biggest word yet. What can possibly contain this word and what could not be contained within it? After 15 months of Safety from a disease (do you know anybody who has it? Me neither.) and the prospect of at least several more months of Safety what are we Safe from? The government and police taking away our rights to travel, to see friends, to shop without police checkers checking on us, to operate our businesses, to work, to make a living, to speak our mind without being jailed (Vancouver)? Are we Safe from any of that?

Hell no! And any time any other excuse happens along we’ll be locked down again, just temporarily, just for Safety. The government will always take care to be safe from what used to be our rights by making us safe behind our own walls or in a nice safe jail.