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RE: Convoy NZ 2022 - Day 1 in Wellington

in #vyb2 years ago

It is WONDERFUL to see this spreading around the world, and I am so proud to be a Canadian right now. My national pride had taken a hit the last 2 years, as it seemed that way too many Canadians were incapable of understanding what was going on, and seemed content or complacent with watching our country become an Apartheid system.

But suddenly something changed, and people started waking up and making a statement. I LOVE our Truckers! I love the other Canadians who are supporting our truckers.
I love the people of other nations, including New Zealand, who are doing the same and telling their captors that they want FREEDOM!


Lovely to see you! I have a mixture of emotions today. So proud of the people who are there on the ground standing up for truth. But so ashamed of the government, the police who were in there bullying a couple of hours ago, the shills who are trying to undermine the movement. Aiming to write more soon about what has happened in the last 24-48 hours.