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RE: short review of 2022

in #weedcashlast year

Balancing is always essential, it is right to have our times to smoke and relax but also stay connected to duties. Let's hope this war ends, because we can't stand it anymore. If the world was a little more Weed maybe people would think better instead of doing crazy things. Let's hope for the future, in the meantime happy 420.



the commant !WEED will work if you have 420 weed almost there. yes increes the peace !!

It will be done then, let's increase the peace :).

if i had id I would send it to you but I dont have it all of it is staked. 4 post on weed cash and you have 420 weed

Yes, I'm sorry, you're right, I still have to inform myself well.


@loonatic passed you the virtual joint!
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