We paintin shit in here

in #wip2 years ago


I started painting again (or more like continued the one I started a year ago) as like an appetizer to get back into painting again: both digital and traditional. Also photography on the side? 🤔

Altho I can't focus much on anything at the moment as things are busy this month for me. I'm preparing to travel and at the same time just other random stuff. Like I said in previous posts, I am learning a lot of things and going back to the healthy habits which feels really nice for my mental and physical health.

Also that cat peeking is @spintwister's work lol. We are making an art collab and we drew our pets in one canvas.


As usual, these cats are as nosey as ever and want to claim my space as much as possible. Like even tho they're on the table they'd want to move and sit/sleep on the chair when I work. Unless they want to be squished then gtfo bitches lol.


Unrelated but I like this pic. That's all bye.


Those cats are plumpy and lazy hahah. Look how they're always sleeping. How did you take the first picture? Did someone else take you or you set the camera on timer? Sorry for the question, i've been creating my own images and doing shoots, so I'm curious on anything photography.
Well, it'll be good to get back to painting after proritizing your health all these while. Would love to see what you come up with.

Hahahaha I can see you like that shot with that FUJI camera.

I put my camera on a tripod and use my phone as a remote which my cam has a feature on. I can flip my screen so it was easy to do it and I always do self portrait :D


Hahah yeah. I also like the film simulation that they have :D

Wow, thanks for that tip, I guess those features makes it very easy to take to take such shots. I wish you goodluck in your travels. It's probably going to be a hectic month for me and I need to constantly check my body for stress