The Head Archivist at War's End

in #writing2 years ago


A story about an Earthling in alien world. If you're just tuning in, consider starting with part 1

Part 30

The Midlands was a vast expanse of arid highlands separating the Subcontinents. The region was self-sufficient and of low international importance. Its largest city was War's End, named for the end of the Century War. The oldest part of War's End predated the War, having been carved into a mile-high cliff. The modern city still made use of this ancient construction.

Looking out over War's End from a window set into dense stone, Archie stopped to take in the view.

"Come on," said Natlin. "Remember, this is their Head Archivist. You've never met a Head Archivist."

"Fine," said Archie, wishing he was elsewhere.

By the time they reached their destination, passing through stone corridor after stone corridor, Archie was lost. Playing it cool, he just nodded when introduced to Head Archivist Wuut. Then Natlin poked him and he remembered what he was supposed to say. "You favor us with your invitation," he said.

"The New Oro archives sends greetings," said Natlin.

"Good," said Wuut. "Do you know why I invited you here?"

"Beyond getting a look at a real live Earthling?" asked Archie. "Thinking about kidnapping one for yourself?"

Wuut chuckled. "Not exactly," she said. "This Hank Sorty business has gone too far. People are starting to call him a prophet. He has to be stopped."

"So you called us?" asked Archie. "Does that mean you have some kind of plan?"

"Yes, but I'll need your help," said Wuut.

"Can you send him back to Earth?" asked Archie.

"Doubtful," said Wuut. "But our plan that might be as effective."

"What's your plan?" asked Archie.

"We want to make him the mayor of War's End," said Wuut.

"You have mayors in the Midlands?" asked Archie.

"No, but it's doubtful Hank Sorty knows that," said Wuut. "We'll give him a house and a car and an office, as well as a small staff that will pretend as if he's in charge."

"That's brilliant," said Natlin.

"Maybe," said Archie thoughtfully. "Kinda seems like your plan could backfire, though."

"Yes, well, the alternative is assassination," said Wuut. "Here in the Midlands, given our history, we're not opposed to that, but only as a last resort. Hence the plan to make him Mayor Sorty."

"Huh," said Archie. "I thought you were part of the global system?"

"We interface with the global system, but the Midlands runs according to its own rules," explained Wuut. "And archivists determine those rules, as well as how they're enforced. We don't do anything as barbaric as imprison offensive people. But if someone threatens our social stability, we act quickly to neutralize that threat."

"That's cool," said Archie, who thought it was more creepy than cool. "What exactly do you need me for?"

"Invite Hank Sorty here for a party," said Wuut. "When he arrives, we'll have a lavish party, during which time he'll become extremely intoxicated. Once he emerges from the resultant stupor, we'll tell him he was elected mayor and show him his new accommodations."

Archie laughed. "That ... might actually work," he said. "I mean, it's like the plot of a bad movie, but I could see it working. Right away, though, the followers of the Founders might become a problem. Farmer Cedret won't let Hank go so easily. And the rest of them might not be so easily fooled."

"Farmer Cedret has already agreed to help us," said Wuut. "He'll transfer custody of Hank Sorty to someone local here."

"Seriously?" asked Archie.

"Hank Sorty mated with Farmer Cedret's daughter and treated her poorly afterwards," said Wuut. "Cedret is consequently eager to get rid of him, but can't do so on his own, or his reputation in the New Founders Temple could be harmed."

"Guess that makes sense," said Archie. "I mean, I'd rather rip my own hair out than spend any time with Hank, but I'll totally help you sideline the guy. And if you do eventually have to assassinate him, oh well."

Back in their temporary room, a well-appointed suite in the center of War's End, Archie could tell that Natlin had something on her mind. "What is it?" he asked.

"It's just ... you were so casual about the possibility of Hank Sorty's death," said Natlin. "Sometimes I forget how much of an Earthling you still are."

"On Earth, the country I'm from has more prisoners than anywhere else on the planet," said Archie. "People are imprisoned for being sick or possessing medicine or having the wrong skin color. Masses of people like that are imprisoned with actual scumbags like Hank Sorty. Maybe millions of people. Remember when we observed Hank abusing other inmates in prison? Inmates who were first abused by the system and then tormented by Hank. I think everybody who maintains that system should die. People like Hank especially. That shit is a crime against humanity and everyone involved deserves death. Is that an Earthling perspective?"

"I don't know," said Natlin. "But it gives me a better idea of your ethics. You're saying it's better to kill a small number of abusers than it is to allow a much greater number of people to be abused at their hands?"

"I guess so," said Archie. "I mean, life is sacred, even the lives of terrible people. But their lives aren't more sacred than the lives of the people they harm. You know, I didn't used to feel so strongly about this, back on Earth. But after living on Mother and seeing what it's like to have a society that's not run by abusers, I've come to believe that all those fuckers should just die. Maybe that makes me a bad person. I don't know. But that's what I've come to believe."

"During the War, all of our world's undesirables were sent here, to the Midlands," said Natlin. "Once here, the ones that couldn't behave peacefully were executed. By the end of the War, twenty million people had been executed here. I wonder if echos of that genocide have seeped into your beliefs since we arrived."

(Feature image from Pixabay)

Read my novels:

See my NFTs:

  • Small Gods of Time Travel is a 41 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt that goes with my book by the same name.
  • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
  • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.