Take 'Em By Surprise: Time To Go Long Again...

in #bitcoin9 months ago (edited)

So, it's official now... According to Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister of the UK, inflation is indeed a tax that gnaws at the pockets of the poorest. But "fortunately," Mr. Sunak's plan is to halve inflation and help the less fortunate. How he intends to achieve that is beyond my understanding, but I do appreciate how he deftly steered the conversation away from the topic of inflation when the reporter tried to change the subject.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize that inflation has skyrocketed and it's affecting the less fortunate like me. I'm experiencing it firsthand because, for now, I'm on the other side of the money. Some might argue that the rich are also affected by inflation, but I haven't heard any of them complain about it.

Do you know why? It's because the wealthy didn't amass their fortunes through regular work. No working person has ever become rich solely from their paycheck. The rich are wealthy because they've built businesses, selling the products that the less fortunate produce en masse. The rich, in a way, contribute to rising inflation as they keep increasing prices to protect their businesses. They won't let those numbers slip, right...

The prevailing narrative that keeps many investors, or aspiring crypto investors, away from Bitcoin and altcoins right now is that harsh economic conditions won't allow Bitcoin to surge anymore. They argue that if "the world is entering a recession," who would invest in Bitcoin?


Well, what if the recession is already here? I'd say it is because I've been to the mall several times lately, and I can assure you that stores aren't as crowded as they were a few months ago. The average person is starting to reconsider their spending. When did life on Earth become so expensive?

But Bitcoin will surge again, as it has in the past three cycles. It follows the same pattern every time: it skyrockets, takes retail investors along with their underwater bags on a wild ride, hits rock bottom, experiences fake pumps, tests major resistance levels as support, and then continues upward. It's the same story every cycle, and every time, the entire show revolves around the halving date.

However, in every cycle, there's a narrative that keeps retail investors on the sidelines. This time, it's inflation and the never-ending threat of a recession that's discouraging the masses from believing in the upcoming bull market. They doubt that Bitcoin will surpass its previous all-time high in the next couple of years.

In the last bull market, we had COVID... Everyone panicked in 2020 while smart money loaded up on their holdings. When everyone got euphoric again, near the peak, smart money started selling. Look at when Elon Musk sold some of the BTC held by Tesla and when he decided to halt Bitcoin payments for Teslas...

He didn't do that when Bitcoin was at $15,000. That would have been foolish.

In 2017, the narrative that fueled fears of a fading bull market was that "there weren't enough financial institutions" to pump BTC, and that Bitcoin wouldn't surge solely based on retail investors buying. Wrong, so very wrong...

It's time to go long again. We had our chance to buy low, and now the market will resume its uptrend because it's been in an uptrend since November 2022. I still find it hard to believe that so many people don't see that the bear market ended nearly a year ago. At least for Bitcoin. Altcoins will follow, as they always do, and they'll outperform Bitcoin. Mark my words.

The masses seldom make money because they don't follow the money trail correctly. I recently watched a short clip with famous quotes from Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet, and one that particularly caught my attention was: "We make money because there are enough people allowing us to do so."

You have to bet against the majority, and what better way to do that in the crypto market than to buy when there's fear and sell when there's greed? These four cycles are so straightforward and mathematically based that it's almost impossible not to make good money in crypto... This comes from someone who messed up two bull markets in a row. But this time will be different.

However, mass adoption in the crypto world won't happen anytime soon. Therefore, it would be wise to take some profits off the table when euphoria starts to set in. The dollar isn't going anywhere, even though there will be a shift in global power dynamics and the dominance of the dollar will wane.

As always, the crypto market will catch everyone by surprise with its bullish phase, just as it did when the bear market gradually crept in... It's time to go long again, in my opinion... What are your thoughts?

Thanks for your attention,


Also saw that interview and thought it at least was refreshingly honest of a politician to adress.

With my up coming house purchase, I'm really concerned about the inflation eating away on our Budgeted margins and we are already looking into getting extra jobs to have better buffer.

What Sunak did was just for show but he pointed out some real problems... I wish you good luck with your house purchase and hopefully crypto will make a positive change in our lives.

Hope so to. We had done some big margins in the budget so we should be fine, more of a careful act to get additional income :)

I have big hopes that Crypto will help my finances in the future. But needs to build my stacks meanwhile.

Best time to do that.

Better be safe than sorry 👍