Organising my space

in #blog15 days ago

Hi, guys!

My vacation continues, and it looks like I’ve finally started not to twitch, but to rest. I hope I have enough time to fully recover and return to school and work with renewed vigor.

Today I plan to clean the house and reorganize all my things once again. For now, I have completely banned myself from buying clothes and cosmetics, because when I was looking through my closets, it clearly became clear that I have more of all this than I actually need. Now I will wait until there is a real need for purchases.

Yesterday I reconnected the speakers, microphone and sound card. I want to start singing again, at least at home. I can no longer afford studio classes, but this is not a reason to give up my favorite activity, especially since I am doing well.

I continue to train every day because I'm afraid that if I stop for more than one day, I'll give up everything again and then have to rebuild everything again. Therefore, with the tenacity of a maniac, I go to the gym almost every day, trying to work out different muscle groups each time. It turns out well, and the weight has moved from a dead point and slowly went down, which makes me very happy. In fact, I already look better than I did two weeks ago.

So I can say that so far everything is going well. It’s strange, but yesterday there weren’t even any power outages, which was also pleasing. Although in fact, my husband and I are so stocked with different devices that, if we wanted, we could survive the zombie apocalypse.

