Monthly Summary of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

in #gaming6 months ago


Period: October 30 - November 28, 2023

The analysis of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for our game, Rada Quest TCG, over the past month shows a series of positive developments reflecting the growth and continuous expansion of the player base. Despite some challenges in engagement, the data suggests that user acquisition strategies are bearing fruit, marking a successful month in terms of community growth.

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User Growth:

One of the standout achievements during this period has been a significant increase in the game's user base. We have seen a rise in new users joining the community, which is a direct indicator of the success of our marketing campaigns and the strong attraction of new participants to the Rada Quest ecosystem.

Furthermore, the total number of users has grown to reach 5,257 players. This growth not only demonstrates the game's ability to attract new users but also to retain them within the platform, which is essential for the game's long-term sustainable development.

Engagement and Retention:

Although we have observed a 13.0% decrease in average session duration, it's important to note that the average session time remains significant at 18 minutes. This indicates that, while users are spending less time in individual sessions, the level of engagement remains high.

Regarding views, despite a 20.8% decrease, the volume remains impressive with 241K views in the current period. This suggests that, while there is room for improvement in the frequency and duration of interactions, the overall presence of the game remains strong.

DappRadar Data:

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Ranking Position: Rada Quest TCG is ranked 29th among the applications listed on the WAX blockchain on DappRadar based on the number of unique users in the last 30 days.

Unique Active Users (UAW): The game has recorded 340 unique active users in the past month, representing a marginal decrease of 0.58% compared to the previous period. This minimal variation suggests that the user base has remained stable.

Transactions (Txs): There were 5,566 transactions counted during the period, reflecting a 4.74% decrease. Despite this slight decline, the game maintains a healthy level of transactional activity.

Tokenomics and Ecosystem:

In the months of October and November 2023, Rada Quest TCG has showcased a variety of activities within its game ecosystem. The use of the in-game token, Soul Crystal (SC), has remained dynamic in both inflows and outflows, reflecting an active and participatory economy in the game.

Key Activities:

  • October 2023: The final of the 6th Coliseum tournament generated a significant increase in player participation, evidenced by the high number of arena battles (92,180 battles) and ticket purchases (13,760 tickets sold). These figures highlight a month of high player activity and engagement with the game.
  • November 2023: There was a natural decrease in post-tournament participation, with a reduction in arena battles (51,702 battles) and considerably fewer ticket purchases (1,990 tickets sold). Despite this, the game's core activities remained strong, indicating a sustained level of interest and commitment from the community.

Game Economy:

  • Soul Crystal (SC) Inflows:
    • October 2023: Strong investment in building improvements (212,750 Soul Crystal spent) and card empowerment (60,015 Soul Crystal) was notable, reflecting an interest in enhancing the game's infrastructure and card capabilities.
    • November 2023: Investment in card empowerment remained robust (85,418 Soul Crystal), although there was a decrease in building construction (147,400 Soul Crystal). This can be interpreted as a continued focus on card optimization by players.
  • Soul Crystal (SC) Outflows:
    • October 2023: Generous rewards were provided through daily missions (134,500 Soul Crystal) and daily login rewards (137,350 Soul Crystal), as well as card recycling (109,412 Soul Crystal), emphasizing the game's commitment to a rewarding economy.
    • November 2023: Although rewards decreased compared to the previous month, the figures (116,125 SC for daily missions, 124,625 SC for daily login rewards, 102,987 SC for recycling) still reflect a game ecosystem that values player activity and loyalty.

Card Scarcity:

The evolution (1,480 cards in October and 1,381 in November) and card recycling (1,258 in October and 1,119 in November) are crucial activities that affect the scarcity and potential appreciation of NFT cards. Consistent numbers in these two months show that players are actively involved in managing their in-game assets, contributing to the economy and the exclusivity of the cards.

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From the start of the recorded period, there is a steady increase in the number of minted NFTs, reaching a total of 266,297. This figure represents the total number of NFTs that have been introduced into the game’s ecosystem.

On the other hand, the number of burned NFTs also shows a consistent rise, with a total of 111,612. Burned NFTs are those that have been permanently removed from circulation, which directly contributes to the scarcity of the remaining NFTs in the market.

The difference between these two sets of numbers gives us the active NFTs, which are those currently in circulation and available to players. At the end of the period, there are 154,685 active NFTs, indicating that the game’s community has been actively involved in processes affecting the supply of NFTs, such as card evolution and recycling.

Scarcity is a crucial factor that can increase the perceived value and demand for NFTs in the market. The significant number of burned NFTs suggests that Rada Quest is actively managing the economy of its digital assets to maintain a level of scarcity. This can increase the demand and value of the active NFTs, as players might perceive a greater value in NFTs due to their limited availability.

The constant evolution in the number of active NFTs implies that the game maintains a healthy economic dynamic. Although new NFTs are being minted, the burning mechanism ensures that the inflation of these assets is kept under control, which can contribute to a more stable and attractive game economy for investors and players in the long term.

The trend towards greater scarcity, if maintained, could suggest a potential increase in the value of the active NFTs, thus benefiting the player community and investors in the game.


From the management of Rada Quest, we are encouraged by these results. The growth in new and total users is a clear signal of the game's strength and ongoing relevance in the blockchain gaming market. It is recommended that we continue to capitalize on this positive trend by strengthening our user acquisition and retention strategies.

Rada Quest TCG has maintained a healthy level of economic activity and player engagement even after a major event like the Coliseum tournament. The stability in gaming activities and the ongoing investment in card development and improvement indicate a committed community and a vibrant gaming ecosystem. To maintain and build upon this success, it is recommended to continue with events that stimulate participation, as well as maintaining a balance between in-game rewards and investments to ensure a sustainable and attractive economy for current and future players.

Addressing areas of engagement and session duration will be crucial to ensure that we are not only attracting users but also providing a user experience that encourages them to stay longer and engage more deeply with the game.

Improvement Objectives:

  1. Investigate the causes behind the decrease in average session duration and views to develop strategies that enhance retention and engagement.
  2. Continue and expand marketing campaigns that have resulted in a significant increase in new user acquisition.
  3. Develop and promote new features or events in the game that can increase session duration.

Our community should feel confident that, with the right strategic adjustments and continued focus on user experience, Rada Quest will maintain its growth trajectory and strengthen its position in the blockchain gaming market.

Thank you for playing Rada Quest!


I've been enjoying radaquest very much lately, I even won one of the gems tournaments :D

Thank you @tsnaks! 💖

Congratulations @radaquest!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

Congratulations @radaquest!
You raised your level and are now a Dolphin!

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