The race of life is a lonely one. Trying to coach another person while running will most likely lead to doom.

There are three main things that will skyrocket a person to unimaginable heights and help that person maintain this hight.

The first is what they have upstairs

The second is who have them upstairs.

The third is the person they are willing to become to enable them maintain this heights.

Remember, nothing is free in life. However, in other to reach these heights in life, there are many prices to pay.

In everything that is done, direct or indirect sacrifices must be made. Many people made sacrifices to reach the heights they are today. I am no different.

I am known today as "Nurse," a reproductive Health provider (family planning provider) and a certified humanitarian but nobody knows the price I paid before achieving this heights. They don't care about the sacrifices, they just want the results.

The journey to reach where I am today was a tough one that required a lot of sacrifices. Tons of it ya'know.

The first sacrifice I made was my sleep. My mates will be sleeping for 7 to 8 hours in 24 hours but I can not do such because i know that if I sleep, I will not be able to work and pay some of my fees and also put food on my table. I had to work while in school which gave me serious insomnia. The headaches I had was really intense but I could not stop because if I stopped for a minute, I may not eat for one day which I don't want for my self.

The second thing I sacrificed was my my social life. No cap, I am not a very social type and I had little friends but I had to sacrifice them. I cut off from friends because they were distractions to me at that moment. I became a one man army. Became lonely because of I want to achieve my goals. I had to let go of every relationship because of my goals. I almost sunk into depression but I found a way out.

I had to let go of many fun activities. I hardly come on socials except WhatsApp and discord because I was the course representative and also, because of hive blogging. My life changed and I could not maintain any friendship as my busy schedule will always chase them away.

I had to read non-stop every single chance I had. I would be feeling sleepy but will take coffee to keep me active. If I eventually slept, my alarm will wake me up and I will be hyperactive because of the coffee in my body.

It was really hell but I pulled through. There are many things I had to let go in other to reach this height I attained but well, I can not say them all. I even lost touch with family at some point.

I do not regret doing all those things to get to where I am. I will always do them over and over again if it means I reach this height. I got to learn lots of things from the process of getting to this height and I am very happy.

The only side effects is that I became a hyperactive person which is really affecting me in some ways.

Though I am naturally calm, I can not comfortably stay in a calm place that has no activity. I always want to do something and I hate being idle.

Anyways, this is my response to the thinkers prompt of the month organized by @kenechukwu97

Canvas design by me
Thank you for reading ☺️

All images belong to me except where cited.


A lot of sacrifices need to be made, and you fid yourself diligently. It sure wasn't easy because you had to let go of things, and in the end, you got to attain the height you worked for.

Well done.

it was not easy but well,it was necessary and it got me where i am

That's nice

Bro... Life throws a lot on our path and regardless of all that, we are still expected to have success stories. In order to have those success stories to tell, it's always unavoidable to make some sacrifices on our life journey.

Yours were really tough. I've heard stories of people who had to combine studies with hustle and I know from experience that an experience like that can be really tough on the person. It also toughens the person and that's a positive. Hehe.

Thanks bro for joining us in this edition of the challenge.

you are right, these hard times are really positive times because of the lessons that comes with it. i am happy to have scaled through and i hope to scale through times

You really made great sacrifices to get to where you are today, and you will surely enjoy the benefits of your struggles.


i hope the time for enjoyment comes soon enough.

thanks a lot for blessing me with your beautiful presence

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And making sacrifices is endless, it keeps coming as long as someone is living and striving to live well.

This is nice.

@nwothini335! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (10/20)

perfectly said.

so long as there is life, there are sacrifices to make

Yeah, that's life for us✌️

Wow this is really awesome.

where there is no gain, there is no pain.

it is in pain which is your sacrifices that gain is gotten which can be seen as results and achievement.

keep it up Nurse.

the gains that comes with painful moments is really something that is sweet to reap

Exactly and that is why we must not look at the pain of today but the gain of tomorrow which will help us to endure the pain of today.

I guess nothing good comes freely, I was still telling my mom today after thinking for long about how a person need to sacrifice so much to achieve their goals. I pray God crown all your efforts, well done Nurse!

yeah, nothing good comes easy and most times, only the tough goes easy.. well, one thing i know is that no struggle goes unrecognized by life