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RE: This, too, shall pass!

in ThoughtfulDailyPostlast month
It's not easy... You know... letting those walls down. The walls that sometimes act as a bridge. Makes no sense does it? It's not supposed to! That's just life! LOL. Listen... please know I send all the positive energy, love, and calm, that I can send. I get dealing with life issues... I do. But like you mentioned in your post:

"Since I joined Hive, I never thought I could have true friends who would be with me through thick and thin."

This means so much more, than any monetary reward can provide. KNowing that there are people out there... people that really do care. That read your posts, and find meaningful vibes to the,... and yes, thoughtfulness. Remember to take a big breath each day... you know #fivebreaths (ask Dreemy about them). Love and light dear soul...


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Awww, your words are always heartwarming and make a light in the heart. And yes, I so agree with you, Sir Wes. I just have to believe that this, too, shall pass just like every challenge and struggle that I have been dealing with since I was younger.

And the people who care about, me take time to drop by, listen to my feelings, and in one way or another truly bring comfort in these dark moments, including you. A million thanks and know that you are very much appreciated.

I hope you are well. Take good care always my dear friend! !LUV !HUG

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