H2O, June Berry, Stunned Bird, PDC, Flower War, Pumpkin Bread, Mowing, NHL - Thursday

in Homesteadinglast month

I remembered earlier in the morning yesterday that I needed to top off the water in the hot tub. If it gets too low the jets throw water all over the place and it sits down at the shoulders. Filling in the morning allows the water time to get back to temp by the evening when we get in.


The June berry bushes are exploding in flowers now. Them and the native plum trees are the main flowering plants right now, ohh and the big apple tree on the corner of the highway.


A heap of small what look like sweat bees were massing all over the bush. I'm pretty sure the sweat bees need pollen as well.


I was sitting at my computer when I heard a super loud THUMP on the window and looked over to see a puff of feathers settling and this bird flopping its way to sit on the outlet. It had impacted the window quite hard and had to sit and clear the stars. I managed to get a couple shots of it out the open window and after a couple minutes it flew off into the chokecherry bushes.


PDC night 14 was on midday and it was another tour de force by Luke Littler who blew the field away again for another nightly win and he and Humphries are qualified for the finals. In 5 months of matches he is already #25 in the world by money, but is top 5 in the world by play.


While MVG got his ass kicked I went and continued the flower eradication around the yard. It's helpful that the bright yellow head stick up to the morning sun and show the location of the various holdouts. I've got only a few hundred sqft left to clear then I will be just searching for the ones buried under other growth.


Trying to change my focus some from the triple 20 to the triple 19. It feels much easier to aim down it instead of up at the 20. It's as dangerous since there is the 3 and 7 to either side but it feels easier to aim at.


It was a bit annoying looking up over the school at the gorgeous clouds that were SCREAMING to be flown amongst. The winds were okay that I probably should have gone out but there is always another day.


We have a glut of eggs now which means I can bake again. We have a bunch of frozen pumpkin in the freezers from years and I pulled a quart bag out and thawed it in the microwave before mixing up a batch of pumpkin bread/cake.


I just used the Betty Crocker recipe for zucchini bread but swapped it out for the pumpkin. I put it into the casserole dish and into the oven at 350F. I set my timer for 1 hr 20 minutes and headed outside.


It took a bit to get the mower to stay running but once it did I headed out and cut along the driveway by the gate and all along the road and my rock wall. It took me about half an hour and I had the hunch I should head inside.


I went to the oven and checked at 40 minutes and the pumpkin bread was perfectly baked. I pulled it out and let it cool for a while before removing it from the dish and cooling it on a rack on the counter. I didn't add nuts or raisins so the boys can take it to school for a snack. (Nuts in schools are bad due to the rampant vaccine injury causing the nut allergies.)


I got dinner made while the NHL playoff game went on and it was super to see Toronto beat Boston.


Got out to soak after I leveled the chems in the water. It was a bit hot so I managed about 40 minutes in.


Again I wish I could be flying today but timing doesn't look to work out since I have to pick the boys up in the best wind time of the day. I have to prep the hive for the bees that will be in tomorrow, keep cutting grass around the farm, boys to and from school, it's J's last running club, I think I will head to the bouldering area for a bit and see how overgrown it is, then I will get a fire going in the pit this afternoon to then grill for dinner.

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Your dinner says it all and could tell that you had a great day

During summer these flowers and plants become more beautiful due to rain.