Ladybug, Not So Dandilions, Happy Animals, Flowers, Aim, BFD - Wednesday

in Homesteading2 months ago

It took me a bit to get outside and working yesterday morning. I got the boys to school then was plumbing through my flights data while watching a couple flying technique videos. I have a shit ton to learn and experience with flying so the more info I have crammed into my head the better. It had frosted overnight which whacked a few things in the garden like the Jade beans which I will likely have to reseed (thankfully it is only 2 rows or 100 spots). As I began my reinvigorated frontal assault on the dandelion positions I found the first ladybug of the year on some sulfur cinquefoil.


Cut by cut, root by root, plant by plant the dandelions popped from the soil and into piles they went, then to the wheelbarrow and a short ride across the farm to their next destination, the bellies of the sheep, alpaca, turkeys, chickens, and ducks.


The sheep were aware this time and all piled in to devour what they could before the next one could. It's always a battle between them to push their way to the food.


The plum trees are blooming now and the frosts have done little to harm them, same with the June berries which are in mass bloom this year, FINALLY. It looks to be a weird year for the fruit trees as the cherries have negligible blooms, the apple tree has a smattering yet the tree by the highway is LOADED with blooms, and I'm seeing the fir trees are in full bloom this year...


Picked R up from school then went and Got J after running club which tomorrow is his last one fore the year. J has now reached the size where he no longer needs the booster seats, my little man is growing up... He was quite happy to remove them from the vehicles. R still has a ways to go before he is big enough.


Everyday I stop at the board for a session. It is vitally important to use the skill everyday to keep it strong and to help improve it. Hand eye coordination is very much in that realm and I'm finding my aim fairly quickly each session. It kinda wavers actually, it starts out right on point but then gets worse as I think about my technique until I relax and just throw. I'm getting a bit better now at slotting the 3rd dart into the triple, I just can't seem to reign them all into the same section.


It took me a bit to figure out what to make for dinner but I remembered the buckets of eggs on the counter so I went for BFD, breakfast for dinner. Made waffles and then Polish sausages to go with. It really ended up a nicely filling meal and used up half a dozen eggs.


Tupid frosts. Put the heat lamp up again for the greenhouse for ovenight.


Watched a bit of the NHL playoffs while we ate then headed out to soak. My skin was better since I was not quite as active over the day so I managed to get the full hour in, finally.


Today I will get the boys to and from school, continue the all out war with the dandelions, devour more paragliding information, PDC PL is on midday with no Price so it will be a shorter day, keep on around the yard and house, top off the hot tub, sometime I need to get to the bouldering area, then I will figure out something for dinner this evening.

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I recently made waffles and bacon and eggs for supper when I didn't have time for anything fancier than that. We all enjoy that from time to time.

I have mixed feelings about dandelions. They are a pain when in the garden, but I actually love seeing them all over the yard. We don't have a proper lawn; mostly it's just weeds and a little grass mixed in and oodles of dandelions. They look so bright and cheerful in early spring when no other flowers are blooming.

I don't mind the dandelions elsewhere around the farm but they had just gotten so thick in the inner yard, plus now is my chance before they go to seed and continue the herpetic spread while I can see the bright yellow faces.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

I fuckin love BFD.. BnG is my go to

All day breakfast diners are the best. More hole in the wall/Mom-n-pop the better. Minot actually had a few good ones that wasn't just Denny's we'd hit up after getting off swings or mids.

I hate Denny's .. I used to like Waffle House but nowadays that involves a payday loan..

You need a fortune to eat anywhere these days.

Do the boys sometimes come back home from school by themselves?

Not at this age, the school won't allow it.