PDC, Coop Door Code, Fire, Bouldering Gear, Infestation, Darts, Grilling, Movie - Sunday

in Homesteadinglast month

Yesterday morning I was up at my normal 5am and was able to catch the morning round of the PDC Euro tournament. There were some surprises but most matches went as one would think.


While I watched I also dug into the chicken coop door opener code. I had setup a way to change the opening and closing time based on 6 months time frames but I realized I needed to make a monthly change due to the variances in the sunset time. It's rather long but it does the job exactly as I need. You can see the door closing times per month at the top of it.


It took a few board swaps but it seems to be working just fine now.


The final session came on and in the end Luke Littler won his 2nd Euro tour. The kid is on fire and showing he is one of the best in the world.


Over the afternoon I got some various chores done around the farm then gathered a bit of the random wood from around the farm and got the fire going in the pit.


The root wood burned damned hot and gave me a seriously warm fire to cook by later. You can see in the grass the masses of the yellow infestation....


It took me a bit but I eventually found my guide book I made for my bouldering area 3 miles north. I have a couple months before the garden is harvestable so I spent time making my crash pads easily accessible in the shed. They had gotten piled upon so some r3eorganizing was in order.


I had to wash my backpack as it had gotten moldy but once it had dried I got all the brushes together, my climbing shoes and chalk bag, and my guidebook. The brushes ended up in a dufflebag which holds them much better and will sit in the truck better for travel. Now I will be spending time at the rocks during the weeks as it's been a few years since I have been to them and they likely all need a really good scrubbing and cleaning of the moss.


The yellow infestation. They exploded this year and the dandelions are EVERYWHERE. I went to the garden shed to look for a tool to dig them all with and I found this old one. It is SO MUCH BETTER than a hula hoe. The point on the front makes it a serious cinch to dig the dandelions up cutting their taps roots well below soil.


I worked for about 45 minutes around the inner yard and got only about 1/3 of the things dug.


I filled the wagon overflowing and kept working around the yard making piles. Today I will go around and haul the piles to the birds and sheep.


Stood at the board for a bit and managed this really nice placement in the corner of the 3x 17. I love when I can stack them right on each other.


Got the burgers on the grill around 6pm.


I put on Ghostbusters 2 for while we ate, the boys first time watching it, and after dinner I spent a bit more time at the board. Same feeling stacking them into the corner, SUPER NICE.


After the movie was off in the perfect timing we headed out to soak. My skin was fritzing so I only managed about 40 minutes before I had to come in and slather my skin to deal with the burn.


This morning I am going to go paragliding again at Saltese after dropping the boys at school. We have a window this morning before rain moves in around noon and the winds are perfect looking until then. Will get the boys to and from school, continue working on removing the dandelions, haul them all to the animals, then dodge rain this afternoon.

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You seem to be more interested in darts than Man United these days😅

Utd don't have a chance at anything this year and their matches are not that often as the season ends. Plus we throw darts most every day and there are a good number of tournaments to watch.

Getting up early in the morning is also good for health and all work is done quickly.

Outside of feeding them to the animals, why are you digging the dandelions?

They have taken over the inner yard that I want to till and seed with lawn grass.