Rain, Meeting, Coop Door Code, New Growth, TONS OF MOWING, NHL, Waffles, Geology - Monday

in Homesteading19 days ago

I woke at 3am to the sound of rain hitting the pergola. There was stuff left out that needed to be put under so up I was and outside moving things around. It was just tiny little cells that passed over and dropped a sprinkling or rain.


Dark clouds for the first hour or so of light but then it cleared up fully for the day.


@stryeyz and I went to the elementary school to meet with J's principal next year. It was a very good meeting and we learned a good bit more about the school and things they offer. Our main goal was to introduce ourselves, talk about J and in the end advocate for him and his peers. We are hoping that they school will keep a few of his learning group together when they move to the new school next year. Our district has a separate 5th grade school where the 2 elementary schools integrate before middle school.

Back home I had been fighting with the coop door opener code. It absolutely would NOT auto update the door open and close times. It took me hours to figure out what I had done. In the top of my code I declared the DOOR_OPEN_HH as an "int", then when I called them later in the code I was calling them as an "int", but that was totally wrong. As soon as I removed the "int" from all the date codes it works like it is supposed to. FINALLY!!!!!


Super stoked to see that the blackberry plant I brought from California has lived through the winter and is putting off little tendrils of fresh growth! The other blackberry is putting off a lot of new growth but it is also years older.


This wild rose in the yard is incredibly vibrant with its new growth.


We will be getting a Blackstone in the next weeks and I have to install the gas line. I pulled the parts out and found that I need to just get a reducer between these two parts and I will be able to get it install easily.


The rest of my day was spent mowing. It was nearly 80F so I was sweating a river most of the time but managed to get a lot of the farm cut.


First was the area around the garden and below the studio.


Then I cut all on the right side of the driveway and up to the gate. I needed food so went in and ate and cooled off before picking the boys up from school.


Once back I was right back to mowing. The area in front of the studio was really spotty and thin but still needed to be cut.


I made sure to cut back all around the cul-de-sac, less flammable material the better.


Then after a pass down the road along my rock wall I drug the mower around the wall and cut the area below. I tried to cut along the hill but it was a bit tough side hilling the mower.


Opened up the area nicely and again was sweating like crazy. The grass and green growth had it quite humid.


I called it for the day as I was beat, hot, soaked from sweat, and happy with how much I got done. @stryeyz worked late and I had the NHL playoff game on while the boys made waffles for dinner. We are still working on R and his distinct lack of awareness or his lack of thinking before acting, but they managed to get them all made and we ate while watching the Canes beat up on NY.


I now know why Davis lake is so deep, it sits on the Newport Fault. This is from the Washington Roadside Geology book that also talks about our farm in another section. Geology is so fascinating.


I have found a new place to fly and am going to go hike it and see tomorrow. It has the potential to be an INSANE spot to fly, it could very likely end up like Point of the Mountain with the shape of the ridge. I am very anxious for this, it's a 2 mile hike from the river to the launch and about 900 foot elevation difference. It is in a conservation area which is what Saltese is and we are allowed to fly there. Hoping I can get another club member to go with me.

We got out to soak at normal time and I needed the pounding on my muscles after the day.


Today I have to get the boys to and from school, hit North 40 for the gas line parts, continue mowing around the farm, prep my paragliding gear for tomorrow, work on my rather sore neck muscles, then come up with something for dinner this evening.

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I’m wondering how they do in schools abroad. Do you mean that new principal won’t resume till next year or what? I’m asking because you said that will be J’s next principal

He goes to a new school next year so will have this new principal for one year. He then goes to 6th grade which is middle school and has a different principal for 6th thru 8th.

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