Rocks, Hike, Flowers, Fence, Rhubarb Harvest, Eggs, Turkeys, NHL, Crisp - Tuesday

in Homesteading18 days ago

I went for a hike up the hill yesterday morning as I wanted to check on the fence line after the various winds have come through. I hiked up the highway side which has a slew of exposed gravels. This rock stood out to me for its super cool color. As I looked around I noticed a lot of other colored gravels and I think I know where they came from. This is all glacial outflow gravels which likely means this all came from Glacier park area of Montana during the last iceage. When lake Missoula blew and washed down the region that is what cut through the gravels leaving the river channels and the bluffs of top soil dotted around.


The valley is nice and green now but that won't last too much longer. I really have a wish to ridge soar this with my paraglider but it would take some pretty strong winds on the 100 foot tall ridge.


One of my triggers from childhood is about to EXPLODE up top, the Lupine are ready to bloom enforce and I plan to stay well away from them for the next week or two.


Many of the corn flowers are past their prime but I did find a couple stands that were still nice looking.


Then I went into the sheep pen and did a circuit around the fence line which I did find a few branches laying on the fence, but not squishing it so everything was good.


It was time to harvest the rhubarb as it was quite full of itself.


I cut a stalk from each plant with the biggest leaf, cut the leaf from the stalk then used the leaf as the place to put all the cut stalks. Each pile is from one plant.


I left it scraggly but ended up with 22 pounds of rhubarb.


Went gathering eggs and found our first turkey egg of the season. I could tell she was getting close to laying as she has been cushing in hopes of any large being jumping her. She has to wait for the young ones to get a bit older for any help.


And for the little ones I extended the fence the rest of the way to give them more space, then I emptied out the last of the chick feed to the feeder. Once they finish the last of the feed I will be letting them out and making them go in the big coop at night. I will have to do that soon as I need a couple night to get them used to going in before the door closes automatically.


Playoff hockey is going on so I put on the Panthers Bruins game, setup the table in the kitchen, then got the cutting up the rhubarb.


The thinner pieces I cut up first and put into a bag to use right away. The smaller pieces are more tender. The rest of the stalks were huge and all got cut up and bagged.


Florida just couldn't get it done and they go to a next game.


While dinner was cooking I got a batch of Rhubarb Crisp made and in the oven.


I should have mixed everything together fully before putting in dish but it worked out in the end.


I had to mix it up the rest of the way once it came out of the oven but it still tasted delicious despite its looks.


Soaked for a while but my neck got to hurting me and I needed to get out to massage it.


This morning I get the boys to school then go hike and likely fly Van Horn which could potentially be my new regular place to fly if it works out this morning. Brendan should be meeting me so I won't be alone for the first flight from the new place. Then I will get the boys from school in the afternoon, keep working around the farm, then I have a doctor appointment in the late afternoon. I'll come up with something for dinner then and likely catch more playoff hockey.

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Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Those eggs are really big…

The resources are everywhere.

I've seen a lot of those quartz-banded rocks around Lake Pend Oreille. And that's a nice arrowleaf balsamroot! @generikat also has rhubarb starting to go crazy. Ah, Spring: when everything gets bus all at once, and attention is demanded everywhere simultaneously.