Alien Worlds 3.0: New Wallet Integration

in WAX Projects + News16 days ago

The Alien Worlds ecosystem is expanding and being an NFT DeFi metaverse that simulates economic competition and collaboration between players, having a seamless environment to accommodate everyone into the environment is highly important.

Alien World 3.0 with New Wallet Integration

Recently, Alien Worlds announced introduction of Wombat Wallet integration into the game arena. This introduction came through following the community's top feature requests of the ability to log in and explore Alien Worlds with various wallets. Alien Worlds is a community-based ecosystem decentralized in its organization.

With the integration of Wombat wallet, players now have options on wallet selection when signing into the game arena.
Visit the Game Arena and enjoy TLM farming, battle to earn and many more fun at the Arena. Start to explore Here.

As a new player, it will interest you to know that mining $TLM (Utility/governance token of Alien World) is free however, acquiring NFTs (digital game items) in Alien Worlds ecosystem allows you:

  • To mine more TLM
  • Engage in battles
  • Complete in-game quests (Depending on your strategy, players may purchase and assemble NFTs that best suit their gameplay.)

Knowing that TLM is also use as a governance token, as a player you can engage in governance by electing the Councillors of six Planet DAOs, and thereby influence the direction of the game.

Alien Worlds has alot of gameplay therefore, players can take their time to check the entire ecosystem and enjoy amazing moment with Alien World. When connecting your wallet be certain you are on the official website which is

Do you have question regarding Alien Worlds? Visit the following links:

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