Horses On The Run

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago (edited)

Horses on the Run.png
Picture Created with Canva, photo lower left and right are my own photos of the horses I made earlier

Action Right On Our Doorstep

What I thought would be a quiet day was a bit different. It unexpectedly turned out to be an action-packed day right on our doorstep! My plan was not much other than taking it easy as I am still recovering from that unfortunate encounter with an oak tree. It's already costing me enough energy, and in the last few days, I also had to deal with a mild fever due to a minor infection. So, take it easy was the motto. But sometimes life has other plans.

Skipper Called Me

There I was, sitting quietly behind my PC, when Skipper suddenly started barking in a way that made it clear to me: "Lady boss, come and take a look, something is happening!" I looked out the window and immediately saw what was going on. It turned out that a parade of horses walked casually into our driveway, and via the driveway, they went straight onto the street. And not one or two, but eight! Holy Shit, what now? Of course, I have known for a long time that they are in the meadow next to our house, and I enjoy that every day. But the fact that they suddenly walked into the driveway like that was something different.

Got To Catch Them

I am not the owner of these horses, nor do they belong to our landlord. So I didn't know a way to contact the owner either. And even if I did know that it would be of little use at the time. The horses were loose and roaming the streets, and all that mattered was keeping them safe and preventing them from getting into a traffic accident.

So there I went, rushing outside and finding myself in some sort of sudden chaos. But luckily I wasn't alone. People started stopping their cars, some even blocking the road to prevent road pirates from speeding past. A man came up to me and asked if the horses were mine. “No,” I replied, “but we have to catch them before any accidents happen.” At least he agreed with me. After that, we would see what we could do. Safety first!

Catch The Leader

Capturing a herd of horses is no easy feat, but fortunately, there was one clear leader, the black horse that had taken to the road first. With the help of all the other people who had also stopped, we were able to send them towards the land across the street, where they initially seemed to be staying. But of course, the black leader soon found a new escape route, and before we could prevent it they went back to the streets.

They stood there for a moment and didn't seem to know what to do. Maybe because I have talked to them more often and they see me walking past with Skipper every day, they recognize me. I don't know. But this time I was able to get closer and saw that the black horse was wearing a halter. That was a blessing in disguise! I approached him with calm determination, and just as he was about to walk away again, I was able to grab his halter, helped by a supporter. Together we were able to calm the horse and slowly lead him back towards the pasture where they came from. Fortunately, the other seven horses now followed without any problems.

Our Landlord Came To Repair The Fence

But then the question came: what now? Putting them back in the pasture was not an option, because the fence was flat. So we decided to put them on our landlord's land for the time being, where they could at least graze. Fortunately, our landlord had already been called by other people and he quickly came with his son to repair the fence.

They Wanted Food

As they did so, the horses' owners also showed up, and it soon became clear that food shortages were the cause of their escape. Fortunately, they were able to provide new food. Eventually, the horses were brought safely inside the fence, and just then my partner arrived home. When I informed him of all the actions he had missed, he was very disappointed. He asked me if I had taken any photos, but unfortunately no, I had not had time for that. Together we went to have a look at the adventurers, they were now standing peacefully within the fence again, although they were all standing in the place where they had walked out earlier. Are they completely done exploring the neighborhood? We'll have to wait and see!

Thankfully The Horses Are Safe And Sound

In any case, it turned my quiet day into a day of unexpected action, and thankfully it ended with the horses safe and sound, the fence repaired, and everyone relieved that there had been no accidents.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Well, we don't see this kind of thing every day, an amazing experience.

I see them every day in the meadow next to our house, but to see them walk through my garden into the driveway and from the driveway onto the road was a new experience. And I have to say, it looked beautiful... but their adventure had to be stopped as soon as possible. Fortunately, that worked.

Wow, what an exhilarating story and experience!
Thanks for sharing, sis!

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It was an exciting adventure that got the adrenaline high in my blood. It was quite a thrill when I walked across the road with 8 horses. Fortunately, no accidents occurred and they were all safely back in the meadow shortly afterwards.

I always fear for the animals that escape like that whether they be horses, cows, sheep or whatever. They are on a mission! Thankfully, you were able to get them back where they belonged! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

That was exactly the thing, they sure were on a mission. And I was very afraid of accidents too. Motorists often drive like crazy here. It is a 60 km per hour road, but much more often you see them rushing by at 100 km per hour. And if at such a moment a herd of horses comes running onto the road... I don't want to think about what could have happened. Thankfully, people stopped and helped to get the horses back in the meadow. Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely day yourself!

Although I like horses, but I guess I'll panick if I see them out of the blue in a group like newly escaped.. haha

Lol, no time to panic when a herd of horses is on the run. All you can do is get them back as soon as possible. The only way to get them safely off the road and into the pasture is to act. Not by panicking. Adrenaline kicks in at such moments and you don't think, you just act.

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