"Wildlife" On A Sunday Morning | Ladies Of Hive Contest #183


This Ladies Of Hive Contest couldn't have come at a better time, and the first question certainly seemed designed for me! It doesn't happen every time I watch the contest that a question stands out so clearly. Today that was the case...

1️⃣ What was the last photo you took? Share it with us and tell the story behind it!

Something Completely Different

This morning when we woke up and opened the curtains, we were surprised by our view. The view here is normally quite dreary at this time of year. Seeing the same field every day, with the same row of trees behind it every day, can get boring after more than 10 years. But don't think that it can never provide some variety. Unfortunately, we don't see it often, but sometimes you are surprised by wild animals that suddenly walk past your house. Sometimes it is a stray hare or a few rabbits, a few times a year we see deer walking across that field, and other times a cat quickly passes by. And very occasionally you are surprised with something completely different.


LOOK There!

When my partner opened the curtains, he didn't have his glasses on yet. Besides, it was still early, and that probably explains why he suddenly said to me, "Quick, look outside! Is there a wolf on the field?" Needless to say, I suddenly became very active. I jumped up and looked out the window, since it was a very long distance away I didn't see what it was at first, but it still seemed very strange to me that it would be a wolf. After all, I had never heard of wolves in my hometown. However, it would not be completely illogical because wolves have been seen about 15 kilometers from here, and one of the wolves was also killed. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture. When I looked at that photo I started laughing and showed the photo to my partner. It was not a wolf, but two big dogs.

And seeing these two dogs made us laugh even harder because these are not unknown dogs to us. No, they are not our dogs. But we have seen these dogs before. And we also know that they are two sweet dogs that wouldn't hurt a fly. How do we know that? That's another story.


Throwback In Time

When we first moved here, the people around here didn't know anything about us, but they did know that we had four dogs. One Saturday evening we were relaxing on the couch, with all four of our dogs around us, watching TV when the phone rang. It was our landlord who asked us if we had lost some of our dogs. My partner looked at me and asked if all the dogs were inside. I looked around the living room and counted four dogs. "Yes, all the dogs are here, why? What is it?". My partner informed the landlord that we were not missing any dogs and asked what was going on.

It turned out that two large dogs had dived into the shed at our neighbor's house and were eating their dog food. They didn't dare go there because they were such big dogs and thought they were two of our dogs. Or at least we wanted to take a look, because now our neighbor across the street and her children no longer dared to go outside. Armed with a dog leash, treats, and a flashlight, we went outside. On the way to the neighbors across the street and once we arrived in the driveway, we started shouting cheerfully. Two large Great Danes immediately came running enthusiastically around the corner and very kindly pushed their snouts into our hands. We put collars on both of them and there we were, the dog catchers. LOL.

When the neighbors across the street saw that the dogs were very friendly and enthusiastic, they also came outside and dared to pet their unexpected visitors. We saw that they were wearing an address tube and called the telephone number. The man was happy that they were back and came to pick up the dogs, although he also let slip that this was not the first adventure of these cuties.


Hopefully, Their Sunday Adventure Ended Well

And the latter is evident once again today. Unfortunately, we couldn't convince them to come to us today to reunite them with their boss. Hopefully, their Sunday adventure ended well today.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


WOW... That was a unexpected view for sure I bet 😍😱 OMG... Lol
I saw it wasn't Wolfs but I have to say that is some BIG dogs.
Looks like they are comfy and enjoying your property and no rush to leave. I think I would be careful like your neighbour and let them eat the dog food.. I don't think I would dare go near them.

I love dogs and have one myself but dogs you never met... I don't go near 😁 lol

You had 4 dogs? That is alot but they are amazing company and I could totally see myself have 2 dogs but my Bobby is in love with cats, he grew up with my late Elvis so I think a kitten is what I Will get.

I Looved this post and how fun that this question came in right time 😉📸 well captured and Thank you for sharing this story.

Have a wonderful sunday. Cheers 🌺

The view was unexpected, but very nice to wake up to. And yes, they are BIG, Great Danes. Generally a very friendly dog. But I have to say that I have never been afraid of dogs, and neither has my partner. We live here in the countryside of the Netherlands, but there is a road... so if we ever see dogs running loose here, we always try to save the dog.

In the past we had 4 sheepdogs, Lex, Rowan, Myla & Lana, when Lex and Rowan passed away, Skipper came to give the girls company. And this year we had to say goodbye to Lana in February, Myla in March and now we only have Skipper to keep us company. He is a German Shepherd, so not a small dog either.

Our Skipper is a very reactive dog, he is a rehomer, and the first meeting he bit me on the hand. That didn't scare me and now we're best friends. But with his reactive nature, it is not easy to place another dog or cat with him, even though he lived with cats in his previous home.

Lol, yeah I knew you'd understand that the question was made for me ... 😂 I'm glad that you enjoyed this post and enjoyed sharing this Sunday morning adventure with you.

Wishing you a great Sunday! 😎

Cute dogs, but I also would be afraid to approach them casually the first encounter, too. They sure had their morning fun, though.

In my experience, Great Danes are always very friendly, and even with other breeds, I wouldn't think twice if I found them like that. More important to me is that the dog(s) are brought to safety. I know how much I would appreciate it if someone would do that for my dog ​​in case it was necessary.

These can be huge, but I only encountered friendly ones so far myself so I would not feel scared. Luckily for your neighbours you weren't either, lol. You should have saved the number of the owners somewhere so you could have informed them where they were today lol. Makes the hunt for them easier :)

Yup, Great Danes are HUGE, but well ... we don't have a small dog either so I can't be bothered by their size. Any dog ​​from Chihuahua to Great Dane can bite, and 999 times out of 1000 they are friendly. It very much depends on how you approach a dog. I always think the most important thing is that they are safe, so I don't even think about being afraid. Of course, it also helps that I love all dogs.

My experience is much better with the bigger breeds to be honest, I never understood how people run from a friendly looking shepherd while the nasty little dachshund aiming for the ankles is not considered scary.

I hope their recent adventure worked out well too :)

I get that, In most cases, owners of large dogs will be more aware of the fact that a dog needs to be raised and trained. Owners of small dogs are often much less concerned with this. The result is that large dogs usually behave friendlier because they have learned more. With some exceptions, where the owner cannot always change much. Take our Skipper, he is a darling to us, but due to his backpack and lack of socialization in the most important imprinting phase in his puppyhood, he simply has difficulty with trust, which is reflected in him barking at everything and everyone.

They wanted some snacks i bet ..i hope.
That view with the sun must be amazing

This time they didn't seem to care for the snacks, unlike the first time we saw them years back.

The view can be amazing, but the thing I appreciate most about this view is that for a densely populated country like the Netherlands, we have an unobstructed view of the nature around us and that there are no blocks of houses that disrupt our view and give us an enclosed feeling.

Its funny , i was chatting with a friend who lives on an paradise island and he was telling me how he wants to come to a city because he feels so bored.

Oh, that's something I can understand very well. I do appreciate my view, but I also feel very bored often enough because "nothing ever happens". It happens easily that I don't see anyone besides my partner for weeks. And yeah, no matter how much I appreciate having this view, I also love to have some socializing opportunities.

I think it is natural to be social and healthy.
You have the luck to be able to have both .
Its harder to dind tranquility like you have <3

Wow, they look so close! That's so cool

They were close, but not close enough to catch them, unfortunately.

Those are some lovely dogs and the field look so green
I’m now contemplating if I would have been able to go close to them

Lol, they are very big but cute. If you want to catch them, you don't have time to think. They would be gone before you made a decision. At such a moment, immediate action is your only chance. Unfortunately, we weren't successful yesterday either, so we hope they got home safely.

Oh alright

Great Danes are friendly with proper training but people get scared because of their size. People even get scared when they see my labrador. My labrador is friendly and whenever I go out, I always put her on a leash.

I also have a similar story to yours but I saw one dog who was outside, crossed the fence, and was playing with the kids. The only difference is it was my dog who went to exploration...

I have known several Great Danes, and the one thing they all had in common is their friendliness. Even the few who had no training at all were very friendly, they couldn't behave the way people wanted to see them, but they were very friendly and wouldn't hurt anyone. That is not the same for every dog. Labradors, and almost every type of Retriever, are also friendly by nature. I am used to Shepherds around me at all times, and Shepherds are not always so friendly. That is the difference with the type of dog, and what they have traditionally been bred for. Shepherds are real watch and defense dogs. This is also noticeable in their character. They are top dogs for their own family, but they often do not like strangers. Our German Shepherd Skipper is like that too. He doesn't like strange people, and he is also a rehomer with a backpack, which makes it even more difficult to train him.

I am convinced that it is a strange sensation when you suddenly see a dog that starts playing with the children when you suddenly recognize that dog as your own Gigi. Fortunately, Gigi is also a dog that likes people and children, although I understand that some people may be afraid of her size. I see the same thing a lot with Skipper. He is enormous, but he also has appearances against him. He also barks loudly.


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