Youtube vs. Hive - Looking at Digital Nomads

in Ecency7 months ago (edited)

There is at the moment lots of talk about onboarding new users to Hive and showing the benefits of Hive and web3. Therefore, one group that you would think may be the perfect fit for Hive would be Digital Nomads. Those who try to live location independent and earn their income using a laptop and internet connection.

I also think this is a really great type of content that people would like to read about and Hive could be the perfect place for it. However, most people are choosing to become Youtubers and go the web2 route. Therefore I thought it would be worth to take a look at some of them and see how the proposition of youtube looks compared to Hive.


One such digital nomad youtuber would be Chris the Freelancer who is currently in Brazil digitalnomading, which I think means creating youtube videos so that he can travel and enjoy other parts of the world. In his latest video here he explores a new possible digital nomad destination in Brazil with another social media darling from instagram.

Chris's channel is quite established and has been around since before the rona. Since the end of the pandemic, his channel awoke again recently and continued its mission. The first thing to note is that making youtube videos is not easy and takes some work. He is making many great scenes in the video. Using drones, beautiful scenery and some well thought out scenes with perfect sound.

His video is also broken down in the different bitesize sections so that it is easy to consume. Chris is also a tiktoker and instagram user. They seem to be other of the popular web2 social media platforms. His stats according to social blade show his earnings currently to be up to around just €30 a month currently. I think this is because he has only recently restarted his channel back up.

This shows however that he is not earning much from his work on youtube right now though and cannot sustain himself. He is also running a blog on his own domain here and therefore could be a prime fit for using Hive to boost his earnings. But what does that mean to a digital nomad?

They currently get paid in fiat for their time and work each month. Most of the content is evergreen and continues to earn but apart from the website rules that could shut them down at anytime, they don't have anything else binding them to the site. On his latest videos, they are currently just around 3k for the latest one, so he still has some way to build his audience back up, but with nearly 85k subscribers, he is reaching a larger audience than he would reach on Hive.

How do things look for a fairly new digital nomad?


Richy Parkinson has a great channel where he is budget traveling around Asia and sharing travel tips, accomodation reviews, food and cultural insights and other useful titbits to his audience. His channel is more real and honest giving the viewer some real insights into the lifestyle.

He is trying to use youtube to help keep him on the road and therefore he is making a vlog nearly everyday and he tries to keep to low cost countries to keep him on the road and escape the west. In my mind, this would be someone well suited to joining Hive.

As he mentions, currently the vlogs are taking up quite a bit of his time and require some research in order to do them well. Something about youtubing to be successful is that you mostly need to brand yourself and put yourself out there. They say people buy from people, therefore I can imagine it would be hard to do a youtube channel without appearing in it.

How much does Richy make from his youtube endeavors so far? As I said he is a fairly new channel and is building it up quite well so far with lots of engagement on the videos. He has 1.45k subscribers and has made 122 videos so far. Social blade suggests he earns upto €144 a month and has video views of around 45k and growing rapidly.


With these earning and his content, having a Hive blog could be the perfect addition to his online presence and give him greater earnings. Although in the web2 and fiat mindset, earning in social media is like visiting a prostitute in that you give them your content and you get fiat directly in return and have no further stake in the game.

Someone with no knowledge of crypto or used to using it, may not find it so easy to adopt a new mindset. Do you just upload your new content and cash everything out? Do you engage in return to your audience and making curation? These are not known things in web2. You just view what you like and finished.

Other earnings for Richy are where people can tip him or buy him a coffee. Again, unlike Hive where tips go directly from A to B. There is usually a middle-man who takes a large cut of it.


The final case study is the channel Brett Dev. He is a long time digital nomad with a well established channel and over 50k subscribers. He lives in the digital nomad capital of the world Chang Mai in Thailand.

He makes videos about how people can earn online and is also building his own community called nomadskool. He didn't come across crypto as an earning method it seems or to using Hive which could be a good addition to his list of possible income methods. Also, the possibility to build his community on Hive could also be a good fit.

If we look at social blade again, it suggest the monthly earnings of the youtube channel are just up to around €134. This seems very low for a channel doing a niche subject that should be pretty lucrative to advertisers. He is though not making so many videos each month. Maybe just 1 or 2. So for the amount of time and effort, it is a bit of extra income and could be worth the time and effort but is not the main extent of the digital nomad income.

It seems similar to twitter or X, using the web2 to sell another product or service seems to be the way. The most popular products seem to be training courses or membership to exclusive communities or clubs. On some of the biggest fitness channels with millions of views, they give access to more videos and exercises, so youtube is used more as just a taster of content that is available.

Looking at the work and rewards, does it pay to use youtube to make an extra income? There certainly seems to be the audience there. It reminds me of eBay and although they had high fees, because they had captured the market, even competitors with no fees couldn't compete against them. A winner takes all sort of thing going on. However, for content creators, the income doesn't seem so great, especially when you look at the audience sizes and the work people are putting in, it seems that it is perfect for disruption.

Thanks for reading.

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Title image created using source and source and Hive Logo created by @doze!

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Let's connect : mypathtofire


How accurate are the earning stats from socialblade, for all of these people their earnings are just pin money?!?

They must be doing other regular freelance work to survive or live off parental subsidies!

It does interest me how many people can live off just pure content creation: not many I don't think. It's so competitive.

For most it's gonna be a hybrid model where the content drives money earned through sales or services!

Someone mentioned the CPM is much higher in the travel and finance categories, so the earning could be 2/3 times more. However, you are right, most people have a dual strategy where YouTube drives sales to their own products usually from my research.

Some YouTubers have mentioned it's just some coffee money and a hobby for them, but hard to tell for sure.

One thing is for sure, you need to add value to your content to gain any traction and rewards, the same as on Hive.

I have onboarded several people, they tend to need hand holding a lot, and that's a lot of work. Now I can't be arsed any more. One told me it was a scam, after he couldn't figure out, how to 'get the money out'. He didn't put any in!

I can totally believe that. I do think that the eco system and earnings can sell themself, but maybe people find YouTube easier to understand? I'm not so keen to drag people where they don't naturally think they fit in and need convincing.

Great compilation! Fascinating to witness smb make approx. 134€ a month teach others how to make what, 134€ a month and live on that? Most of the time they make the money from selling their courses, memberships, you name it. The decentralized web3 realm seems to be challenging for a fixed web2 mind to comprehend ...

Thanks. It is possible that they earn more as the CPM is higher in this particular niche, but I think it isnt enough to support them fully.

Haha, that's a good post. You have shown something to think about, not for us here but for all these influencers working on Web 2 platforms.

Yeah, I would think digital nomads would be looking at Hive as something to use for their nomad lifestyle.

You hit the nail on the head, digital nomads, especially content creators, are a perfect fit for hive but so many of them a fighting to get to the top of YT without considering that there might be other ways to earn that don’t require you to get to the top.

I still can’t understand why more people don’t make content for both YouTube and hive. YouTube for the wider reach and the tiny chance of hitting the algorithm jackpot, and hive for the ability to earn some crypto savings as a kind of life raft or safety net, and also for the kick ass community and ability to establish themselves in and familiarize themselves with web3 protocols.

I get it’s a little complicated but the lack of curiosity sometimes makes me feel like I am of a different species sometimes 😆

I get the skepticism as well but they could literally spend 10 minutes a day for a week and see that Hive is not a scam and probably more profitable than what they are doing (unless they have 50k plus subscribers).

The challenge is how to present hive in a way the keeps expectations low and also gets them interested enough to start digging into

Yeah, I am not sure why people cannot see the benefits so easily. Possibily there is so much conditioning that crypto is a scam and not worth to get involved in. Many people have had a difficult time to say, where does the yield come from for HBD? 20% seems to good to be true for example.

I think it would be easier to reach out to those who are already enquisitive about crypto and therefore, some implementation with Metamask would make sense. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Yo! Ummm the interest rates for investing in the community diesel pools is double that depending on community!

I've been paid by one community to be a part of 5 other community pools... And they are still paying me.

I've seen 800% community returns... Published....

Investing on hive easily can be achieved in a stable community and still make returns of 40%-70% easily...

Our hive diesel pools enable everyone to have investment portfolios!

So you are completely and totally not wrong! Excellent opportunity for everyone!

I cover beginning Diesel pool investing in my secrets of Hive glass that is free and open to everyone. Along with trading. It's all linked.

On top of the interest you can make and compound.

I think it depends how much you want to invest in them. I dont want to micromanage a $50 investment. Therefore there isnt too much for me to invest in on Hive Engine.

Everything runs on autopilot, check in on it. It pays...

And you're exactly right I got tired of micromanaging it for a super tiny interest boost however that's exactly how I ended up with multiple accounts with multiple deep market positions. I put time and effort and as well and investment into it.

Now me supporting different communities has paid me.

Being old school you're on the blockchain has also gotten me rewards as well they are talking about some nft that I am getting that will be bought back for x amount of a really big name token. Cool!

That one I'm actually going to save because that also gives me voting rights in the little community because I helped them get going and they have just done tremendous things and now are rewarding the oldest supporters...

Can't if I had enough sold my majority of assets a while back I would have had way way way more than 50 bucks as an investment.

However you're absolutely correct that if I was down to 50 bucks I would start trading and making 5% here 3% there and keep doing that 100 times... I definitely be doing really well then. Because that's exactly what I've had to do! I lost some really major positions pulling out. And I can honestly say I'd be way more ahead of my goals had I not done that.

Congrats man that you are crushing it!😀

Be careful, it can happen to you too!

That is really good breakdown holy cow! Really impressive and excellent thought especially your last paragraph!


Hive is better if we can spice it up
On Hive, you don't need a particular number of followers or subscriber to earn
That's interesting enough

Yeah,it is a different way totally.

That is awesome you actively reach out to these people. Nice work!


Thanks, I try to be subtle about it if I can. 👍😃

Even if those numbers are wrong, and they do earn 2-3 times more than you stated, it is still not "that much"... Look at those numbers... It's not an easy job to get that many subscribers at all...

And then, you see people bitching about HIVE when they don't earn $100 per post after 2 months on the platform... C'mon... Try YouTube! 😃

I agree. And most need to go and do interesting things that cost money and stay active. Many have to then shill products like VPN services or other such things. Hive can pay quite well I think when you think about it.

I have tried to play both, and still do to an extent, but I get nothing on YT compared to Hive as far as engagement and money goes. Web2 anything is basically not good for me anymore. I am about to just be full bore into Hive content only. You guys can direct the masses to me, 😂

You are absolutely ahead of your time! Awesome job creating and all of your hard work here on the blockchain.

Super top notch dude right here! @thelogicaldude is awesome!


Thank you sir!

Absolutely deserve it! You impress me for your wisdom and your hard work constantly.

Lol shut up and just deserve it. Lol

Get back to your next project to conquer the world.

And it really sucks that I can't use a gif! Grrrr

You need to get in the Digital Nomad school and get some tips then! Haha

Bro I was a digital nomad for 4 years, lol. Now I am a digital homesteader, lol. With the 5 projects I have on Hive, I need to just put focus on what is paying already. Even if it’s not as much as it once was.

Yeah man for sure. Keep up the good work Digital Nomading.

!discovery 30

Thanks for your support

That's a lot of effort for fairly low ROI. I've thought about doing a channel too at one point but I just don't have the time. The day job is still necessary for me to survive!

It could be more for this particular niche as the earnings could be understated, but yeah, I dont think you will be able to retire being a YouTuber!

This is informative, and i love your analysis. In a short word, there nothing compared to having a sustainable platform like YouTube and hive which allows content creation and also allows earning at the same time.

Yes, it is great that people can earn using these platforms. Hopefully more toward Hive.

Yeah, you are very correct and it has really helped in so many ways

@tipu curate

Thanks for your support

Or I could work here on hive and have $6,400 invested in my main account and the rest of those small accounts... Wink...

haha yeah! lol

Hopefully you can get them to come here!

I'm lookong at around $1,000 this year! Hive is really awesome.

Great to hear you are doing so well. Im sure it will be more in the bull market. I am not so much trying to convince people to come to Hive. I think it is a good enough eco-system that it can attract people on its own, especially for blogging. For doing video content, I dont think so yet though.

Depends. I've got a class that shows you how to trade and how to invest on the second layer tokens. In fact you can make enough to really change your life if you are smart about it.

My class is actually free to everybody.

I've had some friends do some pretty incredible stuff with that information.

Nice one man, thats showing some initiative. Im not a trader myself, but could be good for those wanting to trade.

Well it also teaches you how to buy and sell what people give you. So if somebody votes on your post with a tiny amount of Hive they could give you like 20 bucks worth of their community cryptocurrency...

You never know I turned around and realized I had $1,000 worth of these coins one day that I never knew I had...

But yeah my secret class is about simple common stuff that everybody should know. As soon as everybody knows how it all works they're able to take advantage of their account and do way better. From being able to follow curation trails and all that all the way to trading and investing. Basically I get paid like 400 different ways... All from this amazing crazy platform.

Right now traders are making better margins than anyone on Wall Street. You just have to build the volume with hard work.

Investment-wise I'm getting paid in all sorts of different pools and I've got some pretty awesome positions globally in our financial market.

All rewarded from here... Incredibly we have so much going on it is really hard to understand at times. However it is the dawn of a new future.

That is if you want! And if you believe.

If only we could trust social blade lol

The issue with social blade is it takes the low ball park average and applies it to everyone. If they are vlogging about travel the CPM on those is crazy high along with finance you're talking $50 - $100 per 1,000 views of ads on those types of channels it's a lot especially now with the holiday season coming up.

The biggest issue hive has is there's no evergreen revenue. So you post your video up maybe get some votes and then nothing. The video no longer generates you revenue after those 7 days including your blog post.

If hive (but really layer two options) want to compete or attract these people they need to start creating evergreen streams of income from ads on videos (cough 3speak needs to implement this if they want any kind of real adoption) and hive but mainly LEO now adding in ad buyback at least is a step towards this. Until that happens Hive content will always look as an extra and never a priority.

Thanks, yeah that could be pretty low ball, although some of the youtubers say it provides just coffee money, but Im sure there is more motivation than a cup of coffee to make so many videos and a massive increase in content creators recently to fund themselves abroad could be do-able if the CPM rate is as high as you say. I will try and find some more accurate data.

I agree, there needs to be some additional income generation from fiat into the Hive ecosystem such as through Ad revenue like you mention. I cannot see any video platform in web3 that comes close to anything youtube can offer sadly.

It will be good to see the Ad revenue buybacks on LEO to see if it has any potential for the rest of Hive.

It's pretty amazing the amount of video content that people consume these days. I just can't bring myself to do it. I have never really understood the draw. I know there are a bunch of people and communities I would probably enjoy following, but I just don't feel like I have the time to go down that rabbit hole. It would be cool if we could get some more of these folks over here on Hive.

I am consuming quite a bit on youtube, plus i like lots of music, so it is a hard swap. I think it would be a hard draw to get people over to Hive from youtube without some easier onboarding process. Many dont even know about crypto or how to use it which could make it more difficult. On another note, did you see the prices of Taylor Swifts concert tickets?

I haven't seen the prices on the tickets. I kind of gave up on seeing her again a long time ago. It's just too crazy out there. If I ever get ridiculously rich, I am going to buy a suite at one or two of the main venues near us so I can go to every show no matter who it is if I wanted.

Im sure it is just a case of waiting for Hive to pump and we are set :)

Haha, yeah, wouldn't that be nice!

If I could I would have been invited those to hive because as compared to YouTube, hive is much better. YouTube can give you great rewards but only if you are well developed but if you are a newbie it takes a lot to grow there.

But here if you have good onboarding and want to invest in hive it will be having a great benefit for you.

Yeah, I dont think there is any such thing as making some easy money on any social media platform.


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