Is It That Simple? Really?

in Reflectionslast month

Last week I had part of a shocking experience that made me think about life and people in general. Most likely I'm never going to forget what I felt that day as it's still in my mind.


Lucky Me!

About two years ago (I think), I was fortunate enough to get a copy of a book written by a very respected trader, for free. If you're not familiar with this industry, legally issued books are very expensive and not exactly light reading material either. You need to pay a couple of $100 and study (yes, not just read it like a novel half asleep late night before bed) 400 - 500 pages and that is just one area or level, after which you can buy the next one and do it all over again.

Imagine my surprise when I saw the downloadable version for free, which was also lightweight compared to other books. Not to mention it was presented as "All You Need To Know". I said this is my lucky day, thinking I'm holding the key to success, so I downloaded the book, printed it out and started studying.

My initial enthusiasm kept me studying for a few days, but then somehow it required more and more effort to continue and the result was not directly proportional with the effort put in, so I pot the book aside and opted for other learning opportunities. The fact that the editing was extremely sloppy, the text was full of mistakes contributed as well, heavily, but the biggest problem was it felt like a lot was missing. This was not abandoning the idea of reading the book forever, just putting it aside for later. What I was hoping to change? I don't know, but life has confirmed it was the best decision I could make back then, regarding this book and my studies.


Hello, Wake Up!

As I mentioned above, it's been around two years when this happened. During these two years I've been constantly studying and trading. Today I'm lucky to be trading live with a few exceptional traders a few times per week and learn from them. This is the most efficient way of learning in my opinion and the progress I've made is considerable.

Last week I thought it's time to take out the book again and continue studying to improve my knowledge because since then, most likely I've accumulated enough knowledge to understand it better. I started reading the book and ... had to realize this book is definitely not the key to success, not by far. Not even the base to start trading. Why you might ask.

Well, the person who wrote it is a master in trading and a respected name in the industry, so the knowledge he shared is legit, but far from enough. He simplified things the best way he could, but that doesn't mean a newbie would understand and would be able to apply it successfully. They would need to study much more in order to start trading.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming him as he did nothing wrong. He wrote a book, simplified things as he saw fit. I can only blame myself for hoping to be found an easier way to learn what is needed. This makes me no better than the good majority of the population. I'm not proud of it, but I'm glad I did not trust it with my life and looked for better options.

The truth is, there's a lot of written and video material out there, most of it is free as well, but no one is going to hand you over the key to success, not even in paid groups. You need to put in the work and find your edge, your way to success. The sad thing is, quite many won't do that, unfortunately. Some don't want to for the obvious reasons, while others just can't, because they are not capable.


Show Me How?

This particular case made me think of how many people have lived all their lives without using their brain. (Yes, sounds brutal and I mean no offense here, but that's the truth.) They get hired, are shown what to do and how and some of them do that for decades, till they retire. No thinking is required as everything is given, all they have to do is execute. They get their paycheck and if not satisfied, the only thing they can do it blame others.

This type of behavior is common is communist and totalitarian countries, where you either do what you're told or else you get into trouble. This way people learn not to think at all, which can have serous consequences in time.

This is a very common human behavior and widespread as well. Expect to be given the key of success while making no effort. I can see this on Hive as well, quite often. I'm getting requests all the time, people expecting me to tell them exactly what to do to be successful (their word, not mine). I don't do mentoring as my time is limited. A couple of years ago I wrote a set of newbie guides, covering what I taught was important to know, those are still valid and available at the bottom of each post of mine.

What they don't realize is that those who started early at the legacy chain, started from scratch and literally built the platform up. No one knew what will work or what will not. There has been attempts, failed and successful ones as well. Just with everything in life, you try, you fail, you try again in a different way, fail, then try again changing what's not working and succeed.


Where Is The Key To Success Hidden?

Those who made history did not get where they are today by following others or expecting others to tell them what to do. They did something others didn't. This requires courage first of all. You need to go out of your comfort zone, accept potential failure and criticism, but most of all, a lot of hard work.

Most people want results, but not the process or the work needed to get the results. This is why those who are selling the key to success can make millions today. Naive people become tools in their hands and are used to finance their luxury lifestyle.

So where is the key to success hidden? In putting in the necessary work, learning what is needed, doing something new, extraordinary and becoming the best. There are no shortcuts, especially in trading. You most likely are going to lose a lot of money in the process, but every loss is a lesson, if you're willing to learn. I could go on an and on about this, but you can see the meaning.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:



You need to put in the work and find your edge, your way to success.

Exactly! I believe we all have different ways of dealing with things, so solely copying what other people have done to succeed will not really guarantee success. As with the way I understood the problems in my math class, I really looked for techniques to understand and solve those. At first, I did rely on my professor's lecture, but my exam's scores seemed to point out that I needed to find another way to understand them. So I really searched for a way to understand those, and thankfully, my exam's scores did improved after utilizing various materials across the internet.

There has been attempts, failed and successful ones as well. Just with everything in life, you try, you fail, you try again in a different way, fail, then try again changing what's not working and succeed.

Also, I agree with this one because experience is really the best teacher. If you fail, try again, because the real failure is when you stop trying. It's really important to stop seeing your failures and mistakes as bad things and rather see them as an opportunity—an opportunity to improve yourself further. Btw, thanks for the insightful reflection that you've shared. I really enjoyed reading it •⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•.

I agree with you, we all have to find our way. Even if it is about the best professor, it doesn't mean their way of teaching is easy to understand for everyone.

Also, I agree with this one because experience is really the best teacher.

I couldn't have said it better. Without experience, you're just repeating what others have said. We need to go through the bumpy road, full of potholes and find the best way.

The key to success lies in hard work, perseverance and continuous learning. I've never really seen anyone succeed any other way. On the other hand, good training is no less important. It's crucial, in fact, because it creates neural connections that accelerate future learning and/or creative processes.

Thank you for this well-written reminder!

You summed it up well. All those ingredients are needed if you want to succeed. Too bad many can't see that.

People are different and never equal. Intelligence, education, seriousness, diligence, the chance to live in one place or another, and many other things make some people better than others, have a better or a harder life. Sometimes intelligence alone is not enough if there is no strength and willingness to work, sometimes you work hard for nothing if you don't understand the world you live in. Having all the qualities to be successful is very hard and only a few are the chosen ones.
I believe those who succeed should be happy with their chances and ignore those who can't. They are in different worlds...

I understand that you have been preparing for a long time, theoretically and practically, and you know what trading is and how it is done. It's a fascinating thing, I tried it without understanding and I lost rightly or I won by luck. I try to stay away... I'm glad you are so determined and I think you are also rewarded for it and probably will be even more rewarded in the future. I wish you that.

I understand that you have been preparing for a long time, theoretically and practically, and you know what trading is and how it is done.

Well, I've been studying and preparing for what this job requires, that's true. This is a process, a learning curve that never ends as markets are always diversifying. It's been my dream and now I'm doing what I like, but it requires a lot of studying, dedication, sacrifice and most of all, discipline.

I'm sorry to hear about your journey. Unfortunately you're not the only one, so many have gone through this.

Thank you for the nice words and wishes, very nice of you and also, have a nice evening.

With pleasure! The more I learn about you the more impressed I am. You are one of the role models I would have loved to have in my youth.

Oh, pleased don't put me on a pedestal 🙂 I'm just a simple creature, doing what I think it's best. But thank you again for the nice words. You're too kind.

"Many people wants the result but not the process or the work needed to get the results " this is for my referrals here in Hive who didn't exert any effort to achieve something here in Hive. I tried to guide them but didn't follow my instructions.

Anyways great article, worth reading as I learn a lot from it.

I'm glad it was helpful. Unfortunately the world is full of people who want everything without doing anything.

That's true. I guess they want easy money.

Ah I can only imagine how fit your brain is because of all of the mental fitness required to do trading!

This particular case made me think of how many people have lived all their lives without using their brain

It sounds harsh for a lot of people but I can't help but agree with it. The issue is that nobody taught them. The school system is meant to educate followers who obey orders. This is why a lot of people do not even question why they are doing what they are doing. It is sad and one can look like the mad one amongst so many blind people. The ones who use the brain are in the minority all of the time, history has shown this. I have no idea when the ideal times of people using their brain will come.

Well, I don't know how fit my brain is, but you're right, this is a game for sharp minds and you have to be at the top of your game if you want to get somewhere. Most of the traders are training regularly and eating healthy, to be able to put in the work.

I couldn't agree more on the rest.

It sounds harsh for a lot of people but I can't help but agree with it. The issue is that nobody taught them. The school system is meant to educate followers who obey orders. This is why a lot of people do not even question why they are doing what they are doing.

I couldn't agree more on the rest. You know what's funny? If you tell a 4 or 5 year old kid to do or not do something, they ask Why? You explain them why and what you get from them is another Why? and they continue this till they drive you crazy. Where is that curiosity when they grow up?

The truth is, those who don't use their brain can be better manipulated but that doesn't mean we have to be one of them.

Oh the word that a lot of parents tend to despise " why", "why", "why". This shows natural curiosity.
I think that this innate trait is stifled when the adults constantly belittle the children and have no interest in nurturing this great quality. In the end boredom and a sort of sad acceptance and cynicism sets in.
Just like a trader has to always be on guard about their way of living I think we should do the same with our attitude towards children.

You have some really wise words here Mary! Many could and should learn from you 🫠

I totally disagree with you on this one... Not quite sure about "getting out the confort zone". Imagine Warren Buffet doing that... Makes no sense, does it? But it was a interesting and frankly nice reading.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I'm convinced Warren Buffett didn't get where he is now by staying in his confort zone.

Well, you should investigate further.... I'm not saying you haven't but Buffet's is not a crazy investor.... He took the best 100 ranked companies in 1952 and invest it... Long term.

I still don't understand what you mean. Can you explain your first comment? I don't understand what you're disagreeing on? And what makes no sense.

Change topic. Thank you for the tips you've posted for the newbie in Hive. ☺️ @erikah

Change topic.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, bu you're welcome and I hope those newbie guides help 🙂

Yes, I learned new ideas. @erikah

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

The concept that repeating someone else's path to success will acheive the same results is not always true.

Wise words my friend! Very true, but for some reasons many can't see it.

What a good experience you have shared, at the beginning this book was not useful to you, later you put your hands to work to learn all that in practice and once you returned to it you were already several steps ahead of the content that could offer you hahaha
Something I would like to mention is that success is measured individually in general not everyone has the same opportunities and goals so, at least to me, I like to measure success individually in each subject is something I learned after reflecting on some things that happened to me not long ago.
While we're at it I would like to ask you for some advice or observation, since some time ago I feel stuck in Hive. Any advice or tip that you can give to this humble follower? hahahaha thanks a lot dear @erikah

Translated with (free version)

Hi Nitsu! Sorry for the late reply.

I had a look at your blog and I don't really know what t say, except what I've been saying to everyone. Be constant, try to post a few times per week, and what's more important, engage with others. Build up your followers organically and result will come. Post what you like in the appropriate communities to meet the right content consumers. Don't try to chase votes as it's not a good thing, it'll make you unhappy. When blogging becomes like a job, you lose.

You always post quality and interesting content, so have a bit of patience and you'll see the results.

I hope it helps. Have a nice weekend my friend :)

Thank you very much, luckily I really enjoy writing and publishing about what I like, I would just like to grow a little more but I am not at all dissatisfied with my results, I managed to get very cool friends here in Hive that we are really interested in each other's projects, I'm just seeing if I can set some goals to get out of my comfort zone.

Setting goals is cool and motivating, just don't set goals regarding earnings as that's going to lead to huge disappointments. Votes are not guaranteed, no one can control how many votes you get.

If you want to challenge yourself, maybe look around communities, see what communities you can join and post about new things.