Words Holds Power. [Personal Journaling]

in Reflections5 months ago

Many of us were grown up in an era, where Diary writing used to be a crucial part of the daily activities. We often used to end up the day with writing down all the importsnt event, learnings, emotion or feeling over the diary. It was a good collection of the thought process. However over the year, the manual peice of work has been taken over by the digital media. And people find a new means to express their feelings, emotions etc through Journaling blogs.


The important aspect is that people have not let their old habits to die down, they only change the method of writing. Journaling has been a good practices over the years. It is not like writing any article or news for media agency but, personal journaling is also helps us in many ways. It is a practices that supposed to be implemented on regular basis. What I noticed is that ever since, I flowed into the #Hive platform, I started to express better. It has sowed the seeds of writing in me. Earlier I used to write diary but it was missed in most of the days, once I began my job. But with the introduction of #Hive made me to write or express whenever I like to do.

Personal journaling has many advantages which can not be accessed unless and untill we get into it. Over the years I found personal Journaling very helpful to me in many aspects. It given me a boost in different ways. To summarize, here are the few way to consider :

  • Emotional Release : Since I started writing, it allow me to express my thoughts and feelings freely. This further helps in healthy outflow for all emotions and feeling that are settled somewhere deep within. It is a great way of releasing sadness, joy and stress.

  • Self Reflection : Lately I have been posting a lot on #reflection. This is one of the gift of free writing. Journaling encourages self reflections. By putting our thoughts in paper we are gaining clarity about our emotions and various things. It helps us to understand ourself better and identify the different patterns that develop in our thoughts and behaviors.

  • Goal setting and Plannaing : Writing down is a great way to remember each and every incident in life. Likewise, writing down our goals and plans reinforces our commitment towards its achievement. The act of writing helps us in setting realistic approach and creating actionable plans to achieve our objectives.

  • Solving problems : Journaling is a great problem solving tools in itself. When faced with challenge, complexities in life. Writing about them, allows us to analyze the situation objectively. It helps us to explore the dofferrnt potentional solution and gain insights to the solution that is not apparent through mere thinking.

  • Being Gratitide : A free flow write us foster mindfulness in life. It encourages us to focus on the present moment. Additionally, it shifts our focus on the positive aspects of life, promoting more optimistic outlook thereby avoiding all negative things from the life.

  • Personal Growth : Tracking the experiences, achievements and lesson learned over the time provides a documented record of our personal growth. It allows us to evaluate any situation, celebrste the success, learn from the failure, and witness ourself in the mirror of life.

  • Boosting Crestivity : Engaging into free form of writing can stimulate our crestivity. It provides a safe spaces to explore ideas, brainstorm complex situation, unleash our imagination, and thereby giving a better prospect to life.

Today, I was not in the mood of writing, my thoughts were flowing in many different direction. Then the thought if #Hive allow me to write this piece. May be it does not appears to be informative but writing down helps me to neutralize my thought a little bit. So if you find yourself in pool of nowhere, start writing, you never know you may end upnon some nice things in life.


Namaste @steemflow

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it’s always and it will stay for ever (in my opinion) the best way to express yourself is writing.👍🦁

Both thoughts and words have a lot of power and people don't realise how much power they have. It is important that even though times are changing people can express themselves.🤗

Thoughts are more powerful when expressed in words.... sometimes if not expressed properly all thoughts goes for walk

Absolutely right!😌