Saying No to Body Shaming, I Made A Beautiful Dress for a Beautiful Soul, Boosting Her Confidence

in NeedleWorkMonday16 days ago

Hello Hive!

It's a beautiful day, I hope it feels the same at your end.

Have you ever witnessed a situation which you had no choice but to step in and make things right, especially when it involves lifting someone's mood and making them feel good about themselves, one duty I'm always committed to as a designer is making everyone I cross path with feel good about their body type, because we are all beautiful, irrespective of our body shape, and we shouldn't allow anyone tell us otherwise and make us feel less confident.

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Often in my line of work as a female clothing designer, one common problem I get to deal with in my part of the world is the lack of confidence among women, especially due to body shaming, they end up comparing themselves to others who they feel are more beautiful than they are, some even compare themselves to celebrities that have probably gone under the knife to sculpture their picture-perfect body, I'm not judging anyone, as we all have the right to do what we like with our body, but body shaming someone or feeling inferior to others is what I won't ever support.


Last week I made a new friend who was also a victim of body shaming by some rude ladies who were supposed to be her friends, according to her, a friend of theirs is set to have her traditional marriage this weekend, so an African print fabric was picked by her to be worn by her friends who will act as her bridal train on that day, as custom, they all concluded on the same style for themselves and suggested to this new friend I made to step out of the train since her body shape won't fit the style chosen because she's on the bigger side


this made her angry and sad at the same time as she had already bought the fabric, and the bride didn't have any problem with her joining the train but the mean girls did, she showed me the style and I laughed telling her tthey there just rude and that style was going to fit her perfectly as long as it is tailored to fit well, which is my expertise, so she had noting to worry about, we would shame the shamers, this helped lighten her mood compared to when she initially arrived so I was very intentional and eager to work on this assymetric dress with side ruffles, I didn't just say positive words to make her feel better, I'm also proving it to her that she's beautiful the way she is and she shouldn't allow anyone hurt her pride.

Materials used

  • Ankara fabric
  • crepe fabric
  • Lining Fabric
  • Zipper
  • Matching Thread
  • Elastic

Cutting and Sewing Process



I started by drafting the upper side of the dress for both front and back, using a bustier pattern


next, I traced and cut out the asymmetric shape, before turning it with its lining piece.



for the lower part of the dress, I drafted it using a straight skirt pattern, then I cut out a long strip of black crepe fabric which I gathered and attached to the sides of the lower part of the dress.


continuing, I joined the upper and lower part together by the waist.



And for the sleeves, I used a puffy sleeve pattern, which I also gathered using elastic at its hem.


And here is the finished look of the dress, tough it's bigger for my mannequin, it fitted her like a glove, making her look elegant, she was so happy with her new dress when she fitted it, I even got a warm hug, which made my day, I'm happy to be able to restore that confidence. Say no! to body-shaming.

All images used in this post are mine.

Thank you for reading.❤❤


Wonderful, dearest @glorydee !! I had a lot of experience of being bullied in my lifetime, and even as an adult when I moved to Italy - it has taken me a lot of work to step out from under the weight of criticisms like this about my body, my character, my mind and my life choices. It is so beautiful that you were able to encourage your friend to keep on, and to participate and look magnificent!! YES!

So sorry you went through the same experience, I'm glad to know you managed to stay above the pressure of criticism, you owe no body your choices as long as they cause no harm, my dear, you are beautiful both body, mind and soul, do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and Victory, you are loved ❤️


This is beautiful 😻 sis. Lovely material and design. Hope she likes 👍 it.

Happy active Thursday lovely 🥰.

Thank you sis, yes, she absolutely loves it.

A Happy day to you as well. 🤗

This design is very elegant, those so-called friends were very rude, they can't be called friends, I'm glad you were able to help this girl raise her confidence because not all of us are brave enough to face criticism.💖🤗

Exactly my thought, that's just pure rudeness and for a fellow girl, is just so annoying.

I'm glad I was able to step on and restore her confidence.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment ❤

that looks so beautiful, thanks a lot for sharing. keep up the good work.

Thanks, I appreciate your support.

 16 days ago  

Beautiful project and very good attitude! In this day and age no one should have an opinion about anyone's body, we all deserve to feel comfortable with our bodies and have nice clothes to show it off. This dress was beautiful, congratulations ❤️.

Thank you so much ma'am, indeed we all deserve to feel beautiful in whatever body shape, no one has the right to tell us otherwise.

This is a nice dress
Bu5 I for like see that fine lady wey u make am for 🙄🙄
Omo u be expert goor

If only I know this friend of yours, I will tell her that those friends are not real friends because a real friend won't body shame you for anything but rather will find a way to help you look perfect.

It's so nice of you to make such a beautiful dress for her. I am sure her friends will be shocked seeing her in that dress.

and suggested to this new friend I made to step out of the train since her body shape won't fit the style chosen because she's on the bigger side

Haaaa! This is highest.
God have mercy on female 🤲

Wow... A person built with a beautiful heart, mindset and creativity such as yours is such a sight to behold. Most people in your field of work, focus on the payout not the satisfaction of the customer, and there's you, trying to satisfy your customer and even make them feel better than they ever felt. If everybody was like you, the world would be a better place.