Changes for a great future for Splinterlands?

in Splinterlands3 months ago

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n the recent months and coming weeks, there are many changes implemented in the game and I tried to understand the reasons that forced the team to make these changes. Are they good for the long term evolution of the game or not?

When looking back, the game has evolved quite chaotically. Issues arose and the team needed to implement changes to face it. Most of it was directed towards avoiding bots milking the game. Then bots were banned from modern, brawl and tournaments and many changes that were implemented in the bast, didn't have much sense anymore. The result was a game that was difficult to understand and it was difficult to improve your gameplay.

I see the recent changes as an effort to rebuild from scratch and to build something more organic and sustainable. I think that it may be for the better of the game. Check out the video to understand why...

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I tend to agree on the upside for the possibility of using maxed (or higher level) cards at any league. I've heard a counterargument recently that made sense at the time from someone who said he calculated how much he wants to invest in the game on every set, and reached the conclusion Gold league is the max he can reach. With the league limits gone, he said he would now be forced to invest more or drop to a lower rating/win rate because he faces fully developed cards often. I know the idea is to keep growing your account, but I understand the reasoning with a cap someone would put on investments in a game for every set.

I think that with these changes exactly such calculations won't be necessary. You simply will be able to manage to climb up the ranking up to a certain point with a limited deck. It's then up to you to decide whether you want to try to play higher up and invest in cards or not. Maybe it's possible to reach gold again or not. It will definitely depend on how the other players will play. Maybe a very good player can even reach gold level just with level 1 cards...

Maybe. I don't know, I'm not in that situation. That guy was convinced the changes were bad for his situation. I'm curious if he changed his mind in between.

The game has changed quite a bit and I don't have a max deck. It didn't make sense for me up upgrade all my cards so the changes haven't been the best towards me. Modern is way tougher but I have yet to test out Wild. I wonder if things will get easier with the glint changes though.

I believe it's not possible that everybody fully develops their deck because there are simply not enough cards. So people will more or less stay where they were before but if somebody wants to climb, it will become easier because they don't have to factor in the league limits.

That sounds like a good take and it makes sense to help players improve their cards in game and get more rewards from playing. It will be strange not to get SPS from chests now/glints. I am curious what the SPS rewards for battles will be with the changes.

Two things though, does this mean summoners have now lost their ability? do you still need the upgraded summoner to use other cards abilities?

Some players targetted to stay in silver and gold and are now being forced to upgrade which could be out of their budget, I am not sure how they are feeling right now.

Two things though, does this mean summoners have now lost their ability? do you still need the upgraded summoner to use other cards abilities?

You still need the upgrade the summoners to play higher level cards.

Only time will tell. They need to focus on marketing and gameplay to bring in new players - A LOT MORE.

I think the best marketing would be if players earned well while playing the game. That's what attracted players in the past. Hopefully we will get there again...

Mixed bag on the changes. Yes I like being able to increase my reward cards up some levels. None of them are maxed yet so not needing to burn anything.

Prices of cards and SPS have dropped 30 to 50% over the past couple of months. This implies opportunity or death of the eco system. Hard to want to put more money into a system that is dying but lots of cheaper cards and land if you want to invest/bet on the system.

My silver deck has made it to as high as diamond 2 this season in wild. Just a lot of interesting data points.

It's always a question to invest more in the game. I haven't invested exterior money for quite some time and I reinvest a part of my SPS earnings. I think that it's important that the game can't be milked by bots because in the end it's the real players that pay for it. In this respect, I think the changes are good and hopefully it will bring the economy around.

This new Glint feature seems to be pretty cool in that it removes the RNG on top of the baus, but even so, with every change in the splinterlands, the walls shake and many people don't understand what's going on or where we're going.

Anyway, I'm just waiting for the update to see what it's going to be like and hope everything works out.


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I understand that too many changes are not great but I think this is an attempt to rebuild from scratch and it's maybe not such a bad solution.

I totally agree, it's better to try something new and have it go wrong than to stay in the sameness of wanting something different by doing the same thing. The resilience of the Splinterlands team is incredible, even with so many difficulties, we're still standing!


I liked some changes, others not so much. But what makes me happy is knowing that they are always trying to make the game better.

they are always trying to make the game better.

I think that SL is still a pioneer when it comes to web 3.0 gaming and they made mistakes and it is sometimes necessary to correct them. It doesn't look that great from the outside but it's better than to continue with the issues at hand.

!1UP Good work!


Interesting perspectives, about the part on burning of cards. I actually feel that are just too many changes for me to keep up - maybe because I am not a hardcore player, so it's not easy for me to read up on changes every week.

For me, one issue I face is the forced upgrade. I don't have much SPS, but because I am able to climb all the way to Gold even with Level 1 and 2 summoners, and I cannot stay in Silver, I need around 10 wins just earn 1 Gold chest (which is 22500 FP). In Silver, the chests are 6500 FP, and I just need 2 to 3 wins to get 1 chest. So these days, I tend to stop playing once I reach Silver.

Speaking about card values, the cards values have been dropping since the changes as well. So again, I am not sure if this was a good change after all.

At the end of the day, for me, it's just a game for fun so I don't have much issues with it. Just that I am less motivated to play now.

I think it's note really necessary to upgrade but you would need if you wanted to reach higher ranks. The fact that now it will be possible to upgrade the soulbound cards in an easier fashion offers quite a lot of options even to people who don't want to invest more money.

Ah I was referring to the leagues. In the past, I could stay in Silver and choose not to go into Gold, but now I am kinda being "forced" to move up when I don't want to.

Too many changes, it seems like they don't have a plan. And a bad plan is always better than no plan.

I think that all the changes that were implemented follow a kind of line that hints towards a plan. I think there is one and it wouldn't be a bad idea to present this plan a bit more in detail.

Change is constant which will happen sooner or later but the major thing is how to get more people to play the game
Splinterlands has a lot of players but I believe they can do more

There is always two sides on each change. I think this time they are for the better.



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