Splinterlands: Remained Consistent on How I Spent My Glint in the Shop

in Splinterlands17 days ago

A day after luck-based chests were introduced to the Glint Shop the season was over and shortly after (or even before?) the new chests were withdrawn because demand for them was underestimated and jackpot prizes flew much quicker than anticipated.

Currently, the new chests which replaced the random draws cannot be found in the Glint shop, but from my understanding from the Discord announcements, looks like they'll be back with 10x lower chances of winning the jackpot for all types of chests (minor, major, and ultimate).

I know many people bought lots of Ultimate chests after they were launched, hoping to hit the jackpot. And some did and they are now very happy about it! Good for them! Some didn't win big, though... which is how luck works.

I was probably wrong to ignore the opportunity presented by the Ultimate chests while the high chances to hit the jackpot lasted.

But I'm not going to bang my head against the wall now because of it.

I preferred the more predictable outcome to the one based on luck, but it's true, its downside is that the rewards are... soulbound. While someone who hit the jackpot won old-edition packs with tradable cards, plots of land, and whatever else was in the jackpot prize pool.

That being said, and considering my goal to max out my regular souldbound set, I've made pretty good progress. I might wrap this up sooner than I thought I would.

End of Season

But before we get there... it's nice to see this at the end of the season:

but I like it even more here:

Yes, it's Wild, and yes, I don't play my account in Ranked, but these are my cards, and I have almost 3k of them (but only 273 in the playing deck, 500 staked on land).

From what I hear and see, it's easier to rank well in Wild than it used to be, with or without help.

When I played my account in Ranked, I briefly reached Champ 1 once, but didn't finish the season in Champ 1. So this would be my highest result at the end of the season, I think, although in the past I had ratings above 4800 too. I don't think this result can be truly comparable with the ones from the past though.

My regular EOS league used to be Champ 3, but that came after a long and often frustrating season, and that's why, for me, this arrangement works just fine. I play a much lower number of games in Brawls, and this is more to my liking...

Either way, back to shopping with Glint.

Glint Shopping

This is what I had in my balance after the season rewards were payed out:

250k were not enough, and I was impatient, so planned to burn as many GF and regular duplicates as needed to buy all the batch 1 rarity draws from rare to legendary.

And I did that, step by step. I have screenshots at every step, but I won't bother you with all of them. I'll just add the starting and the ending points.

Before I made any purchases:

After everything was done:

You can notice the regress on the GF side because I sold some of them (which aren't or didn't have the perspective to be maxed), but also the progress on the regular ones.

3% progress from 73% to 76% on the legendary soulbound reward cards from 10 pulls is acceptable. There are 12 of them, 5 already maxed before the pulls. From the 10 draws, half were of cards I already had maxed out.

4% progress from 91% to 95% on the epics progress from 25 pulls is more than I expected, especially since it's getting closer to 100%. The advantage is that from the 7 epics, I only have 1 maxed, so almost whatever I pull counts toward progress. From the 25 draws only one hit the maxed one, plus two that were GF.

On the rare ones, things are the toughest. Of the 12 rare soulbound reward cards, I have them all maxed but 2. Chances to hit those two are quite low. Luckily, the number of draws are higher too. So, at 100 draws I hit both cards several times, enough to slide the progress bar from 97% to 98%. Cumulatively, I still need 25 copies of the two cards.

Seems better than last season's draws. I completed what I had planned at the beginning of the season, not mid-season, so I have practically a full season of Glint accumulation before I go shopping again.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What is the tool you are using for the level overview for the cards?

I like this new Loot Chests. I did not level all the common cards and in the Major and Ultimate, you get multiple cards - like in the old system

Yep, if you haven't maxed out common cards, it makes sense to buy loot chests. That's what I'll use for the new set, at the beginning.

Even 250k isn't still enough to get those Legendaries to the levels you'll want. Just like you, I want more predictable rewards and spending Glints that are quite limited to get lucky seems really uncertain to me. Like you've said, it's all about luck and I saw a few people who were really lucky and some that weren't.

That's true, 250k only covers the price of the legendary draws. That's why I'm hoping this season I'll amass more than that to the end of the season, since I started accumulating from the start, instead of the middle.

I will likely take the loot chests at the beginning of the new set. Maybe a few after I complete this set, but more likely not, and I'll accumulate the Glint.

It's why I also think twice before spending my Glints, of coti earned way lesser, but I'm also hoping I can accumulate more this season.

Yep, Glint management becomes another game within the game of Splinterlands.

Sorry that you missed out on those bonus chests, they went very quickly. Congrats on champ 1 though. I was very lucky that I checked discord in the morning and went for it.

I didn't really miss them. I didn't even focus on them, which is probably worse, because I didn't realize what an opportunity they were, lol.

Yeah, I didn't realize until they were gone and I wanted to buy more lol

It's still great you bought some and hit the jackpot too.

What site are you using to check progress on the cards??
Looks like a useful tool.

It's from Splintercards. Yes, they have some useful tools.


You're welcome.

Nice progress on your reward cards. I don't know if I like the new system because I kind of preferred the random draws. I want to work on my cards but I don't really want all the stuff like energy because I don't get enough fights in to even use that energy.

To be honest, I don't know why they didn't just add to the store, instead of replacing the old random draws. They were already there as options, so no additional code was necessary. Unless they didn't like that the cards were printed in too high numbers from those draws.

Is is true that the soul bond cards can’t be traded?

It's true. They might, at some point, if you pay to unlock them.

That's quite a lot of cards you got there buddy, Another season will probably come and I'm wishing you the best bruv

Yep, there are a few... But in almost 6 years of Splinterlands (for me), they add up.

Absolutely man, you really do have the experience 👌🔥💯

How are you doing?
Informative article for your season end. Impressive result after adventure in the game.
Have you reached the highest league for your goals before the season reset?

Hey there! Yeah, I finished the season in Champ 1.


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@oadissin(10/15) tipped @gadrian

Just like when we are getting a good profit then we should cash out otherwise the prices go down and we have to face problems later.