Splinterlands - 6 Year Anniversary!

in Splinterlands24 days ago (edited)

Hello SplinterFam!

It is hard to believe that the 6th Anniversary of Splinterlands is upon us! Although I have only been playing the game for around 2 years, one of the things that attracted me to the game was its longetivity, that it has been around for some time.

Discovery of Splinterlands

I know that many people discovered Splinterlands and then came to Hive, but for me it was the other way around. I discovered Hive and then found Splinterlands through Hive and seeing the many Splinterlands posts and videos by the community.

Starting in Splinterlands was quite daunting for me at first because of understanding the game and then the different cards and levels. However, after hanging out in some live streams from players, I got up the courage to give it a try, even though the first few weeks were very daunting and I couldn't understand the game at all.

Time Spent in Splinterlands

Back then I had no idea how much I would enjoy playing Splinterlands and spend time playing. The game keeps changing and evolving and it can be hard to keep up with at times.

Currently I play at least 10 rounds per day plus my guild matches which are the most fun for me with the different range of match types and cards available.

I spend more time chatting to members of my guild plus looking out for new card deals on the market. At the moment there are some great chaos legion cards to be snagged and this is a favorite pass time of mine right now!


Although I have only been in the game a couple of years, my personal accomplishments are that I have had 10,863 battles in modern league alone! My win rate has stayed positive just, with winning 5,558 of those!

My future goals are to get my account to have over 1m Card Power. Currently it is at 776k, but this is a nice measure for me to have a decent account in the game and keep growing.

I also own a Runi, but another goal is to get a Lux Vegas card at some point. I haven't played with this awesome neuteral summoner, but I would like to add it to my collection.

Advice To Beginners

My advice to anyone starting out on Splinterlands is to make a blog about your Splinterlands journey and share this on Hive. Take part in the social media challenge and battle mage because this will help you grow your Splinterlands knowledge faster and learn the best battle techniques with using skills and abilities!

This is because when you are writing it down and thinking about your post, you consider the tactics more thoughtfully. Also by blogging your journey you can connect with the Splinterlands community and share hints and tips and it makes it more fun to play the game.

My final advice to new players would be to try and rent out new cards that you like to try before you buy using Peakmonsters and see if you use them enough to justify to add to your deck.

Thanks for reading.


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All images used from source and sourceunless otherwise stated.
I do not own the copyrights to the linked video.

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6 years for a blockchain game is legendary!

It seems quite long when you think about it in blockchain time, others have long fallen by the wayside.

It's actually pretty crazy how different Splinterlands is now from where it started. Good I guess because it means that they are improving.

Yeah, it really is evolving and making itself ready to take advantage of the bull market.

wow 6 years hope we get somethign big happening for the game :c

Yeah man. How is your collection looking? You still brawling?

I haven't really been adding to my collection :(. ya still brawling :P but not tryhard on two of the guilds only my own one

Ah so that's changed now

It seems difficult to understand the environment. Since I have no guide I have just been looking forward to one

I hope you can find the help in the Splinter community. A good gaming experience awaits you.

Happy 6 anniversary to Splinterlands. They’ve been here for long and also made sure to remain relevant
Big ups to them

Yeah, they have done really well! Looking forward to another cool 6 years!

Nice. You've climbed relatively high in just two years. You're trying hard.

Thanks, its been a great journey so far.

Nice post! You will reach 1 mill soon i guess :)

Thanks! I hope so, just keep on stacking those cards. 😀

It is a nice Friday with Splinterlands. Happy anniversary.
Do you have a favorite elemental warrior in your collection?
Thank you for sharing in the community

Thanks, it is a lovely Friday. My favorite is the awesome Jared Scar.!

Powerfull warrior indeed

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If you've been playing this game for 2 years you must know a lot man. Maybe I can ask you for some advice if I'm thinking of starting this game 😂

Hey Incublus, If you decide to start play, for sure I can answer any questions! 😀

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