My eating out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday❤️

in Eating Outlast month (edited)

Usually, towards the weekend, starting from Friday, my schedule will be tighter and I will catch myself doing one task after another non-stop. It was the same last weekend.


Last Friday, after helping to send my nephew to school, I quickly came home to finish all the necessary daily chores like sweep, mop, laundry and preparing fresh daily drinking water. Then, I needed to prepare materials for my tuition classes in the afternoon. Before picking my niece, I went for my favourite food.

Kuching Laksa

This is the best in town. The curry coconut milk broth was balancely cooked with all the herbs and spices needed, just like the one I ate before at Kuching, Sarawak. It came with rice vermicelli and huge amount of eggs, chicken slices, bean sprouts and three fresh prawns. The best was the sauce of sambal belacan and lime. Every mouthful was satisfying. Slurp!


My sister-in-law bought for me these cans of coffee in appreciation of my help, sending her eldest son to school. It was timely because I needed my coffee after the laksa. Yums!!!

I had two classes on Friday, usually by the end of two classes, I would be tired. My husband suggested we eat out to cut down my work of preparing dinner for the boys. I went and picked the eldest son from school straight, then headed to Aeon just 3 minutes from the school.

Sushi, takoyaki and roasted chicken!

We bought sushi of variety, fried chicken popcorn and roasted whole chicken leg from Aeon, the Delica section. But I only took the photo of the takoyaki and sushi. By the time I remembered about taking photo, all the roasted chickens were in my stomach digesting


As usual, I visited my Aunt with the boys. She cooked delicious food for us again.

Steamed pork and chicken with vegetables

She cooked her favourite Hakka dish called steamed pork with preserved vegetables. She also added steamed potatoes on top because the boys love potatoes.

For the mixed vegetables, she cooked mixture of cauliflower, baby corn, capsicum and bean. In it, she also added steamed chicken drumstick. At first, I thought it was only vegetables until she asked me to dig in for gold. And I found the 'gold' — chicken drumsticks, our favourite.. Thank you, Aunt.

The boys loved to hang out in their playroom. They had fun playing while I chitchat with My Aunt. She asked me whether did she need calcium supplement, but I told her not yet because she is currently drinking a milk for elderly that was fortified with calcium and vitamin d3 already.

Later on, she asked us to drink the red dates longan drink. So naturally sweet and refreshing.

As usual, she would pack for us for our dinner. And she gave me 4 more packets of brown sugar ginger drink. Yay!


Sunday dinner, we ate out too. Because I was busy non-stop from 7am for church, followed by my tuition till 630pm, so I was tired after that. Husband brought us to our favourite shop. The boys had their mozzarella cheese naan. My husband ordered 'satay' to be shared, some beef satay, some chicken satay which came with onions and cucumber. I ordered beef cooked in red sauce and fried omelette and rice to be shared with eldest son who could eat more now.

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That was how we ended our weekend. And now another new week to embark on with lots of grace and strength from God.


Wow so much food O.O. I love beef satay and lamb satay omg. I love sushi too but I like sashmi which I didn't see I'm guessing you guys don't eat raw x.x. Have a great week and weekend ahead. Happy May and labor day woo hooo