All Things Spring ...

in HiveGarden2 months ago

I know... it sounds a bit like a sticky LP by now, but seriously... It's finally here! Spring is the time of year we have been waiting for in this cold, far too-wet country. The sun is shining, temperatures are rising and even summer seems to be peeking around the corner today. And do you know what that means? That means I'll definitely fly away from that dusty PC and hop outside with Skipper!


Although we can't just go anywhere, at least we have a garden to enjoy. And I mean it when I say, that garden is getting more beautiful every day. Flowers are springing up everywhere, and the greenery around us seems to grow as you look at it. I can't say it often enough: this is the most wonderful time of the year.


Of course, this season also has its downside. Take our driveway for example, it suddenly looks as if we tried to turn it into a lawn. And let's be honest, it's no fun removing that greenery. I'm dreading that job, it's too much to do in one day. I'm also not 18 anymore, so this job takes me longer than I'd like to admit. I also have other things to do that are much more on my priority list. But our landlord has his quirks. Generally speaking, he is not very difficult, and he can be lax about many things, such as the maintenance he is responsible for on the roof and exterior window frames. Still, he will not tolerate a driveway full of weeds. So yeah, I have no choice but to save the driveway from a jungle-like fate. Little by little, an hour here and there each time, and eventually the driveway will look neat again.

Unfortunately, Skipper is not a fan of the fun aspect of these missions. He stands busy behind the gate while I struggle with the grass that has grown firmly between the stones. But that's not the only reason I don't want to spend all day in the driveway. No, I'd rather grab my camera. After all, those chestnut trees in full bloom in front of the house must be captured, if only for posterity. Fortunately, the trees remain neatly still for the photo... That is something different from moving dogs.


While I am busy with my photography adventures, the postman arrives with the package I was expecting yesterday. And honestly, I'm secretly glad Skipper isn't in my driveway at that moment. This way the package can at least be delivered in relative peace. At least if you ignore Skipper's barking in the background... Anyway, my attention is now completely diverted from picking weeds by that package. I even forgot about taking pictures! It's time to start creating my memorial jewelry for Rowan, Myla & Lana. I just have to ask where we left Lex's hair because he also deserves a memorial pendant.

Another blog about that later...

Anyway, enough distractions! There is work to be done. Later, when my partner comes home, we can relax together in the garden. But for now, I have to take action. Spring waits for no one, and neither does Skipper!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



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