This year's harvest has already started 🥬🥗

in HiveGarden3 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone,

I think my last post in the community was in the year of 2022, but here I am now to share with you some of our garden updates. The truth is last year we didnt have a lot in our garden because we were very often not at home, even for weeks; so you can imagine it's not possible having a garden in full summer and not being able to take care of it.

This year is a lot different. I have huge hope and determination to grow as many vegetables and leafy greens I can, mostly inside our greenhouse, which is not something that I shared with you already :D. Here are a few things about it.



We finished our Greenhouse last Fall, in November. It's not heated, at least not for now but we want to use Solar Panels and a source of heat in the future.
We built Raised Beds for our greenhouse, I think it's a lot more easier and convenient to work this way and there are a lot of nice benefits having raised beds such as better soil quality for example, because you can control the soil composition. You can add your compost over there and make your own mix to grow your vegetables. Also you can have an optimal organization and delimitation of the plants you're growing.
What I love the most is the accesability and control of bugs and weeds. Working at a height that's comfortable for you makes gardening easier. Also its more easy to protect your harvest from pests and weeds.

We used thick plastic foil, special for greenhouse. I'm curious to see how much time it will last. The structure is made out of iron.

Our Raised Beds are made from Wood , then burned with a torch. My husband used the ancient way of treating the wood, Shou Sugi Ban, being more suitable for a garden and make it last longer.


First Harvest 🥬

As you can already see by the photos, our first harvest were some Green Salad, Spinach leafy greens and green onions.
This is what we enjoyed eating from our greenhouse, for the first time! It's quite nice the feeling because we wanted our greenhouse to be ready two years ago but we've had another things in between and didnt manage to finish it. So a BIG Yaaaayyyyy!

I planted only in two beds because we're only at the beginning and I didnt have too many seeds anyways. Yesterday I ordered a nice batch of ecological seeds for legumes, leafy greens and vegetables. I ordered what I could find online, I searched for good quality though and I was happy to find, from what they say, traditional organic seeds, that having been cultivated and multiplied for over 20 years, here in Romania.

I was super excited to harvest the very first green salad leaves from which I made a green salad, with green onions and green garlic. I added salt and pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and that's all. Perfect salad as a side dish next to oven baked sweet potatoes stuffed with mozzarella and bacon.





Spinach Harvest

From the Spinach I harvested last week, me and Caleb made a green smoothie.
Caleb is always happy to use our blender. :))

Here's the recipe:

  • spinach a few leaves
  • half of banana
  • half of an orange
  • pinapple
  • coconut flakes
  • macadamia nuts
  • water or your favorite vegan milk

You can replace the macadamia with almonds or other nuts, whatever you have at hand. I love macadamias because they have a mild taste and great texture for a smoothie. Also, you can add peaches, kiwi, pears, apples, lemon s to your smoothie. I just used what I 've had in my fridge.



This would be all, folks!

I will share more with you in the future, now I can't wait to receive the seeds and start planting. I'm super obsessed with the thyme, basil and mint I ordered. For some reason, I was always excited to have my own aromatic herbs. I still have green parsley from last year in my yard but that's all what left 😏.

Take care,

missdeli 💚

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This is what I want to build on our farm someday to plant more veggies.
You truly live a healthy life with healthy foods ☺️


I hope you'll make it,to build your own! It feels so great satisfaction to eat your own veggies. 💓


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jane1289(3/5) tipped @missdeli

Love your new greenhouse! I sure wish I had one. Looking forward to your garden posts. :))

Thank you so much! I'll share them in the community! Today it was a happy day btw, because I planted a lot of seeds.
Hopefully I'll have seedlings in short. 😁🤔🥰

Your green house looks very nice, you are doing a good job.

Thank you! We love it so far!

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I like your greenhouse, looks cool, is nice to have fresh vegetables when you need it :D

Thanks! Definitely! And plus, with so much land here and on the countryside, it feels just natural to have our own garden or greenhouse. Today I planted a lot of seeds and I'm looking forward too have little seedlings in a few days, weeks. Yaaaay! 😁

That is quite some greenhouse! Must be so nice to grow your own veggies already this early in spring!

Thanks 😄😁. Yes, it feels amazing to have my own greens! Today I planted a lot of seeds and I can't wait to have little seedlings growing beautiful! 🥬

woow! the first greenery! so cool!!
I dream of such a green house as well
but I have to have me own house for it, now we live in the flat, and our garden is rather far to go there every day....But such a house needs everyday care, yeah?

Well, no! It doesnt need a lot of care and when we'll have automatic watering (its already work in progress), all will be automatic, if we wont have time for it, ofc. But except watering the plants, there's no much to do.
I already planted a lot of seeds today and I'm waiting for them to grow into seedlings. Some of them I put right in their place and some in little comtainers and then I'll love them where I need them. I'll post soon about that, you'll see its so easy.

Having rased beds makes gardening A LOT MORE EASY!!! because you dont have insects and unwanted weeds.

yeaah I do like such high places for growing.
The main problems for most people in gardening is necessity to be on knees on the ground or squatting, it's hard especially for elder people, but such high growing beds solve many problems.
I wanna have them too;)

Yes, thats true. Which is why these are perfect for many reasons and for many people, not just the old.
They make gardening easier and these days, with so little time, everyone wish to not spend litterally the whole day in the garden.

Look, this is something we worked on today. Its an arche for the cucumbers or any other plants that require sokething to clinge on.
