On court with Jade.... Monomad

in Black And White8 months ago

You will have seen plenty of Jade previously in my posts, she's one of my go-to models and has been for a few years... There's no drama of hassle when working with her... It's always an easy, chilled shoot. Just the way I like them.

One this shoot, I just needed to get out out the house and do something... I was living in limbo, in my mother in law's dining room.. Which wasntt ideal by any stretch, but with nowhere to go, it was better than staying in a house where I wasn't wanted.

So, a bank holiday monday in the UK, I travelled upto Leeds with Jade to meet up with another photographer to team shoot.

A nice sunny afternoon was what the doctor ordered for the scene and gave us some nice rim light without pulling out another strobe.

I spent most of the afternoon shooting with my 70-200 f2.8, probably my favorite lens I own... But Michael the other photographer gave me his sigma art 85mm 1.2 to try... This ended up with me having some serious lens envy.. Fuck me.. what a lens.. Talk about making the background milky?

Now... I'm having a think about where my photography is going.. I've got some kit that I just don't use, and more that I dont use enough.... Should I sell that lot and invest in that lens?

As it stands, I'm getting a bit tired at times of model photography, but don't think I do much of anything else.. Aviation - I do love it, but hate the majority of the people that congregate at air bases and some organised shoots...

Wildlife. just not my bag... Landscape? ditto..

I'm really thinking about trying to venture into gig and music photography.. That looks pretty cool....

But.. if im honest, I doubt I'll stray far from Model/people photography, it's just what I do.

About me:
Big lad with 2 moons orbiting him.. Usually found sat in front of a laptop screen bloody editing. Takes photo's of People, Military aviation and sometimes products.

48 year old bloke - I have a penis.. Act's more like an immature 15 year old.. Cos I can.

Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/richardgaynorphotography
IG = https://www.instagram.com/richardgaynorphotography/


Great work & great shots! Congratulation for winning the round od monomad!

Yay! 🤗
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Your work is impeccable! you gained a new follower

Thank you very much!!!

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working for me now mate.

Yess, now it is workng fine!

 8 months ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thanks all

a beautiful girl with a spoiled expression. I like all your photos

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Reading this, my heart went out to you. Living with my in-laws would be a nightmare for me.

Considering this shoot, and many others I’ve seen of your work, it seems you have a gift with Model/people photography. Your work is very impressive. But I love your aircraft photography as well. You are just a really good photographer @richgaynor, so no matter what photography you choose, I'm sure you'll be good at it :)

thank you..

it wasnt great but at the time very welcome as it was better than being at 'home'

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